Meaning of lakás



Excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, to excess, superabundant, profuse, too much, overmuch, more than enough, beyond the proper limit, unreasonable, immoderate; to be or do to excess, etc. Lakás man inâ. That's really too much. Indì ka magkáon sing lakás, kay maláin inâ sa láwas mo. Don't eat too much, for it is bad for your health. Naglakás na ang bilí sang humáy. The price of rice has grown exorbitant. Nalakasán akó sang íya nga ginhámbal, ininúm, kináon, etc. He talked, drank, ate, etc. too much for my taste. Sa lakás nga pangabúdlay nagbalatián siá. Due to excessive work he fell ill. (see támà, masiádo, dúro, lám-ag).