Meaning of láygay



Admonition, exhortation, sermon, counsel, advice; to admonish, advise, exhort, enjoin, preach, counsel. Laygayí siá. Exhort or admonish him. Iláygay sa íla ang mga sógò sang Diós. Explain to them and exhort them to observe the commandments of God. Instruct them in the divine precepts. Nakabatî ikáw sang láygay sang Párì? Did you hear the priest's sermon? Indì siá magpaláygay. He will not listen to advice. Ginláygay ko inâ sa íya sing masúnsun, ápang walá siá magsapák sang ákon nga láygay. I often advised him to that effect, but he would not listen to my advice. (see túdlò, panúgyan, badlong, sáysay, etc.).