Meaning of olób



To spit out a liquid, eject, spew out. Lolób ang túbig. Spit out the water. Indì mo pagolobán ang salúg sing túbig, kóndì magolób ka sa bintánà. Don't spew out water on the floor, but out of the window. (see bugá, lúad, dúplà, durâ). Also: to anoint the hair with chewed coconut meat.



To spit out a liquid, eject, spew out. Lolób ang túbig. Spit out the water. Indì mo pagolobán ang salúg sing túbig, kóndì magolób ka sa bintánà. Don't spew out water on the floor, but out of the window. (see bugá, lúad, dúplà, durâ). Also: to anoint the hair with chewed coconut meat.