Meaning of úbus



To finish, end, use up, wear out, swallow up, consume, spend all, exhaust, make an and of. Ubúsa lang iníng tinápay. Just finish this bread (eat it all). Naúbus na ang bíno. The wine is all gone now. Ginúbus níya ang isá ka gatús ka mángmang nga ginhátag ko sa íya. He spent to the last farthing the hundred pesos I had given him. Daw sa índì maúbus iníng heneró sa isá ka delárgo. This cloth will probably not be used up in the making of a pair of trousers. Ubúson mo sang káon iníng tátlo ka páhò. Consume (eat up) these three mangoes. Indì níla maúbus sang inúm iníng tubâ. They cannot finish all this toddy. (see úrut, tápus, sáid, tîtî).



The lower part of a town or village, the part near the coast, near a river bed, lower down a slope or hill, the lower reaches of a stream, etc. Sa ubús sang báryo. At the lower end of the village. Sa ubús sang--. Lower down, at the bottom (of a room, church, theatre, etc.). Dúlhug ka sa ubús sang bakólod. Go down the hill. Descend to the base of the hill. Also used as a verb. Sa naubusán sang dálan, sang subâ, etc. At the end of the street, at the lower reaches (near the mouth) of the river, etc. (see tákas).



After, subsequently, having finished, immediately afterwards (after). This "ubús" is usually preceded by "sa" or "sang" and followed by potential verbal forms ma-, maka-, etc. e.g. Sang ubús na matápus ang íya hámbal--. After his speech--. Having had his say--. Sang ubús na siá makasulát tumíndog siá gilayón. Having finished his writing he stood up at once. Sa ubús mo makúhà ang koríyo kadtoí si Fuláno. First fetch the mail and then go over to N.N. Sa ubús ka mamáhaw magság-ub ka. After breakfast you shall fetch some water. (see tápus).



class="hw">ubús, Now--and then. One moment-, at the next moment--. (At) one time--, (at) another time--. Alternately, by turns, off and on. Ubús siá makabátyag sing dakû nga dumút, ubús man makabátyag sing gúgma. Now he would feel a great hatred and then he would feel love. Ubús siá malíngkod, ubús man siá matíndog. One moment he would sit down and the next moment he would stand up. By turns he would sit down and stand up again. (see bulúsbúlus).



To finish, end, use up, wear out, swallow up, consume, spend all, exhaust, make an and of. Ubúsa lang iníng tinápay. Just finish this bread (eat it all). Naúbus na ang bíno. The wine is all gone now. Ginúbus níya ang isá ka gatús ka mángmang nga ginhátag ko sa íya. He spent to the last farthing the hundred pesos I had given him. Daw sa índì maúbus iníng heneró sa isá ka delárgo. This cloth will probably not be used up in the making of a pair of trousers. Ubúson mo sang káon iníng tátlo ka páhò. Consume (eat up) these three mangoes. Indì níla maúbus sang inúm iníng tubâ. They cannot finish all this toddy. (see úrut, tápus, sáid, tîtî).



The lower part of a town or village, the part near the coast, near a river bed, lower down a slope or hill, the lower reaches of a stream, etc. Sa ubús sang báryo. At the lower end of the village. Sa ubús sang--. Lower down, at the bottom (of a room, church, theatre, etc.). Dúlhug ka sa ubús sang bakólod. Go down the hill. Descend to the base of the hill. Also used as a verb. Sa naubusán sang dálan, sang subâ, etc. At the end of the street, at the lower reaches (near the mouth) of the river, etc. (see tákas).



After, subsequently, having finished, immediately afterwards (after). This "ubús" is usually preceded by "sa" or "sang" and followed by potential verbal forms ma-, maka-, etc. e.g. Sang ubús na matápus ang íya hámbal--. After his speech--. Having had his say--. Sang ubús na siá makasulát tumíndog siá gilayón. Having finished his writing he stood up at once. Sa ubús mo makúhà ang koríyo kadtoí si Fuláno. First fetch the mail and then go over to N.N. Sa ubús ka mamáhaw magság-ub ka. After breakfast you shall fetch some water. (see tápus).



class="hw">ubús, Now--and then. One moment-, at the next moment--. (At) one time--, (at) another time--. Alternately, by turns, off and on. Ubús siá makabátyag sing dakû nga dumút, ubús man makabátyag sing gúgma. Now he would feel a great hatred and then he would feel love. Ubús siá malíngkod, ubús man siá matíndog. One moment he would sit down and the next moment he would stand up. By turns he would sit down and stand up again. (see bulúsbúlus).