Search result(s) - pangólo



(Sp. mina) Mine; to mine, to mint. Mináha ang buláwan nga nagasímbug siníng bató. Mine the gold mixed with this rock. Ginmináhan kitá sang pangolohán sing bág-o nga pílak. The government minted for us new silver coins. (see duláng, dulángan).



Caus. of álam. Also: to warn, tell beforehand, caution, forewarn, premonish; to say goodbye, take one's leave, say farewell, bid goodbye, bid adieu. Nagapaálam na akó sa ínyo. I am now saying goodbye to you. Ang katapúsan nga paálam ni Rizál. The last farewell of Rizal. Paálam na. Goodbye. Paalámi siá nga ang mga lampitáw nagaságap sa íya. Warn him that the detectives are looking for him. Ginpaaláman silá nga dáan sang katuyoán sang mga buyóng sa pagatí sang íla nga minurô. They were warned beforehand of the intention of the robbers to sack their village. Ipaálam sa íya nga--. Tell him that--. Ginpaálam sa áton sang pangolohán nga ang bágyo magaági dirí. We received a warning from the government that the typhoon would pass over here. (see paáman, paadiós).



To be or become tight, straitened, difficult; to oppress, treat harshly. Nagpíot karón ang íya pangabúhì. His life is at present a trying one. He is in a tight fix. He is leading a hard life now. Napít-an kamí sang ámon pangabúhì sa karón nga túig. This year we are living in straitened circumstances. Ginapíot silá sang íla pangolohán. Their government treats them harshly (oppresses them). (see lapígot, pígus).

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