Cheerful, jolly, etc. See masádya. (see maluyagón).
A prefix used like pag-, but with the difference that pagka-is more used with intransitive verbs, e.g. sang pagkadúlà sang íya pányo--. When her handkerchief was lost--. But: sang pagdúlà níya sang íya pányo--. When she lost her handkerchief--. pagka-is also frequently employed in the formation of abstract nouns, e.g. pagkalisúd, pagkasádya, pagkagayón, pagkataohánon, etc.-distress, cheerfulnes, beauty, human nature, etc.
Freq. of kusúg. To make great efforts, exert oneself, strive, apply force, show strength; to grow stiff. Nagapangusúg siá sa paghíwat sang amó nga kasadyáhan. He is making great efforts in preparation for that solemnity, festivity, rejoicing. (see palangusúg).
Extraordinary, remarkable, notable, exceptional, uncommon, noteworthy, unwonted, outstanding, excelling, not common; to be extraordinary, do something in an extraordinary way, etc. Ginpasahî gid ni Fuláno ang pagpabúnyag sang íya bátà. N.N. had his baby baptized with extraordinary solemnity. Ginpahimánsag níla ang kaadláwan sang íla pándut sa pasahî nga mga kasadyáhan. They celebrated their feast-day with extraordinary manifestations of joy.
(H) What is to be understood, retold, explained or described; explicable, explainable, intelligible. Dílì salabíhon ang íla kasádya kag kalípay. Their merriment and joy-cannot be described,-are indescribable. Dìsalabíhon-what cannot be explained; inexplicable, unintelligible. (see sábi).
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