Search result(s) - sóhol



(Sp. abono) Manure, fertilizer; to manure. Abonóhi ang umá. Manure the field. Ipaabóno ko sa ímo ang ákon umá, kon makasugtánay kitá sa nahanungúd sang isóhol ko sa ímo. I'll let you manure my field, if we can come to an agreement as to how much I have to pay you in wages, (see lambón).



Full, complete (of payment); well done, thorough, perfect, faultless (of work); full, of the best, of a high order (of crops, etc.); to be or perform well, to become or make blameless, etc. Ang humáy nga pinatubás ko sang isá ka túig alogás-gas gid, ápang ang pinatubás ko sa karón nga túig támà kaupahón. The rice I harvested last year was splendid, but the one I harvested this year is full of blighted ears. Abáw alogás-gas gid ang ginbáyad ko sang ginbalígyà mo sa ákon kag karón ang ákon ibalígyà angkatón mo lang! Just think of it, I paid you cash in full for what you sold me and now you would like to get on mere credit what I have to sell to you! Maáyo gánì kon siá ang magapatíndog sang baláy, kay alogás-gas siá sing pangóbra. It is well, indeed, if he builds the house, for he is thorough in his work. Kon alogas-gasón ang ínyo trabáho, alogas-gasón ko man ang igasóhol ko sa ínyo. If you perform your work well, I, on my part, will pay you a generous wage. Ginalogas-gasán ko siá sa pagbáyad. I paid him cash in full.



Part, division, lot, share, portion; to divide, make parts of, share out, separate into pieces, lots or parcels. Pilá ang ímo báhin? How much is your share or part? Bahína iní. Divide this. Bahíni si Fuláno sing isá ka báhin. Let N. N. have one share. Apportion to N.N. one share. Ginbáhin níya ang íya mánggad sa ápat ka párte. He divided his property into four parts. Ibáhin akó ánay siníng duhá ka pásong nga humáy sa tagápat ka gántang kag isóhol sa mga mamumugón. Kindly divide these two bushels of rice into heaps of four gantas each, and pay it out as wages to the workmen.

hánti, hántì


Why, well, surely then, in consequence. Hánti, kay nahímò mo inâ, antusá na man ang sílot. Well, as you did that, now bear the punishment. Hánti, kay sohólan ikáw, magpangabúdlay ka na. Surely you should work now that you are being paid for it. (see sánglit).



At least, at any rate, at all events, on the lowest estimate. Ang kasaplidánan sináng kambuyahán sa magkubús mga tátlo ka gatús ka mángmang sa binulánbúlan. That firm, at the lowest estimate, is making a profit of three hundred pesos a month. Sohólan ikáw dirâ sa magkubús sing mamísos ang ádlaw. Your wages there will be not less than one peso a day. Iníng pinunâ nga dútà, kon magkubús na gid (sa magkubús), magapatubás sa tuígtúig sing kalím-an ka pásong nga humáy. This piece of land produces at least fifty bushels of rice a year. (see kubús).



(B) To be determined to, make great efforts, wish, desire, strive. Nagaorát-órat gid tána kang panahî, hay mangílin magsóhol sa mananáhì. She is determined to do her own sewing, because she does not like (is too stingy) to pay wages to a seamstress. Gintáw-an roláng (ron lang) ni tátay na ti kwárta, hay nagorát-órat kang pangáyò. His father finally gave him some money, because he so insistently (repeatedly) asked for it. (see himúlat, paningúhà, panikasúg).



(B) To be determined to, make great efforts, wish, desire, strive. Nagaorát-órat gid tána kang panahî, hay mangílin magsóhol sa mananáhì. She is determined to do her own sewing, because she does not like (is too stingy) to pay wages to a seamstress. Gintáw-an roláng (ron lang) ni tátay na ti kwárta, hay nagorát-órat kang pangáyò. His father finally gave him some money, because he so insistently (repeatedly) asked for it. (see himúlat, paningúhà, panikasúg).

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