(Sp. título) Title; heading; epithet, claim, right, warrant. (see diplóma, pamúnò, kamunóan, hayô, katarúngan, kalig-onán, tungúd, bangúd).
From tungúd-right, reason, motive, etc.
Unclothed, stripped, undressed, nude, naked, divested of; to strip, undress, take off clothes, divest of, uncloth, doff, bare, make bare, denude. Ubáha ang báyò mo. Take off your jacket or outer dress. Ubáhi siá sang íya báyò. Take off his coat or outer garment. Inubáhan (Ginubáhan) siá sang mga buyóng (sang íya mga panápton). The robbers stripped him. Ubáhi ang íya abága kag usisáon mo ang íya pilás. Bare his shoulder and examine his wound. Tungúd kay alángálang ang pagúba sang báyò sang pilasón gingúnting na lang sang manugbúlung. As it was difficult to divest the wounded man of his coat the doctor removed it by cutting with a pair of scissors. (see hubô, húblas).
Unclothed, stripped, undressed, nude, naked, divested of; to strip, undress, take off clothes, divest of, uncloth, doff, bare, make bare, denude. Ubáha ang báyò mo. Take off your jacket or outer dress. Ubáhi siá sang íya báyò. Take off his coat or outer garment. Inubáhan (Ginubáhan) siá sang mga buyóng (sang íya mga panápton). The robbers stripped him. Ubáhi ang íya abága kag usisáon mo ang íya pilás. Bare his shoulder and examine his wound. Tungúd kay alángálang ang pagúba sang báyò sang pilasón gingúnting na lang sang manugbúlung. As it was difficult to divest the wounded man of his coat the doctor removed it by cutting with a pair of scissors. (see hubô, húblas).
Anger, exasperation, excitement, choler, rage; to rage, be angry, be in a passion, be wrought up (into a passion), be furious, to fume. Indì ka magugút (magpaugút) tungúd sang diótay lang nga butáng. Don't get angry over a trifle. Tiníklod ko siá sa hágdan, kay inúgtan akó. I pushed him down the stairs, for I was exasperated (wrought up into a passion). Indì ka magpaugút sa íya. Don't enrage (exasperate) him. (see ákig, sáklaw, paugút).
Anger, exasperation, excitement, choler, rage; to rage, be angry, be in a passion, be wrought up (into a passion), be furious, to fume. Indì ka magugút (magpaugút) tungúd sang diótay lang nga butáng. Don't get angry over a trifle. Tiníklod ko siá sa hágdan, kay inúgtan akó. I pushed him down the stairs, for I was exasperated (wrought up into a passion). Indì ka magpaugút sa íya. Don't enrage (exasperate) him. (see ákig, sáklaw, paugút).
To follow suit, be able to perform or bear as well as another. Makaúngud ka sa pagpuláw sing isá ka simána tungúd sa nagamasakít? Can you bear the fatigue of watching the sick person during the night for a week? Kubús nga binúlan ang íya ginabáton karón, kay ang bág-o níya nga agálon índì makaúngud sa pagsóhol sa íya sing mahál súbung sang ginhímò sang úna níya nga agálon. At present he receives a low monthly wage, for his new master cannot afford to pay him as much as his former employer. (see batás, sunúd).
To follow suit, be able to perform or bear as well as another. Makaúngud ka sa pagpuláw sing isá ka simána tungúd sa nagamasakít? Can you bear the fatigue of watching the sick person during the night for a week? Kubús nga binúlan ang íya ginabáton karón, kay ang bág-o níya nga agálon índì makaúngud sa pagsóhol sa íya sing mahál súbung sang ginhímò sang úna níya nga agálon. At present he receives a low monthly wage, for his new master cannot afford to pay him as much as his former employer. (see batás, sunúd).
See nahanungúd id. Maáyo gid ang katarúngan nga íya nga ginpaháyag nahatungúd sináng butáng, ápang--. His reasoning with regard to that matter was very good, but--.
(Sp. asúnto) Affair, business; case in court, lawsuit; also adverb: with regard to, concerning. Asúnto sinâ-With regard to that-. As to that-. (see butáng, nahanungúd, nahatungúd).
Concerning, referring to, with regard or reference to, with respect to. Ibálik ko na ang ákon hámbal bágay sa--. I'll now come back (return) to say a few things more concerning--. Ang íya pagkáhas bágay sa paglápas sang kasogoán--. His audacity with regard to violating (breaking) the law--. (see nahanungúd, nahatungúd).
Concerning, referring to, with regard or reference to, with respect to. Ibálik ko na ang ákon hámbal bágay sa--. I'll now come back (return) to say a few things more concerning--. Ang íya pagkáhas bágay sa paglápas sang kasogoán--. His audacity with regard to violating (breaking) the law--. (see nahanungúd, nahatungúd).