Search result(s) - ílis



Change, alteration, variation; to change, alter, vary, replace, substitute, exchange; successor, instead of. Makaduhá sa simána may ílis sang prográma. Twice a week there is a change of programme. Sín-o ang ílis níya? Who is his successor? Who takes his place? Maílis-or-magaílis pa akó ánay. First, I shall change (my clothes). Ilísan mo ang ímo kálò nga dáan sing bág-o. Exchange your old hat for a new one. Isli-or-ilísi ang salúg nga kawáyan sing tápì. Take up the bamboo-floor and make one of boards. Sang paghalín ni Pédro nailísan siá ni Páblo. When Peter left, Paul took his place. Iníng mga kawáyan iílis ko sa kodál nga dáan. These bamboos I am going to use to replace the old fence. Nabasâ ang ákon panápton kag walâ akó sing iílis. My clothes got wet and I had no change. Tandaán mo gid ang mga ílis sa íya baláy. Mark well the alterations in his house. (see báylo, tál-us).



Change, alteration, variation; to change, alter, vary, replace, substitute, exchange; successor, instead of. Makaduhá sa simána may ílis sang prográma. Twice a week there is a change of programme. Sín-o ang ílis níya? Who is his successor? Who takes his place? Maílis-or-magaílis pa akó ánay. First, I shall change (my clothes). Ilísan mo ang ímo kálò nga dáan sing bág-o. Exchange your old hat for a new one. Isli-or-ilísi ang salúg nga kawáyan sing tápì. Take up the bamboo-floor and make one of boards. Sang paghalín ni Pédro nailísan siá ni Páblo. When Peter left, Paul took his place. Iníng mga kawáyan iílis ko sa kodál nga dáan. These bamboos I am going to use to replace the old fence. Nabasâ ang ákon panápton kag walâ akó sing iílis. My clothes got wet and I had no change. Tandaán mo gid ang mga ílis sa íya baláy. Mark well the alterations in his house. (see báylo, tál-us).



Dim. and Freq. of ílis. Dáyon gid lang siá nagailísílis sang íya mga ulús. She is constantly changing her clothes. Ang mga manugtátap siníng talapuánan ginailísilísan sa tuígtúig. The managers of this company are being changed every year.



Dim. and Freq. of ílis. Dáyon gid lang siá nagailísílis sang íya mga ulús. She is constantly changing her clothes. Ang mga manugtátap siníng talapuánan ginailísilísan sa tuígtúig. The managers of this company are being changed every year.



That is to be changed. (see ílis).



That is to be changed. (see ílis).



(H) Things to be changed or altered, change (of clothes), exchange, object or person to be replaced by another. (see ílis).



(H) Things to be changed or altered, change (of clothes), exchange, object or person to be replaced by another. (see ílis).



For ilísan from ílis.



For ilísan from ílis.



To change, substitute, change for another, put in the place of, replace, make room for somebody else, to let or make change. Ginpaílis sang manugdumála si Fuláno sa kay Hosé. The manager replaced José by N.N. Mapaílis, konó, iníng polís. This policeman, it is rumoured, will let somebody else take his place. Ginpaíslan or pinaíslan sang mga punoán ang sanitáryo sa kay Fuláno. The authorities put N.N. in the place of the sanitary inspector. (pa, ílis).



Freq. of ílis-to change, etc.



(Sp. pápa) The Pope, Roman Pontiff. Ang Sánto Pápa. The Holy Father. Ang Sánto Pápa amó ang salíli ni Hesukrísto kag ílis ni San Pédro. The Holy Father is the Vice-gerent of Jesus Christ and the successor of S. Peter.



Substitute, Acting, deputy, proxy, locum tenens, delegate, Vice-, vicegerent, representative; one who takes the place of another or acts in his stead. (see tál-us, itál-us, ílis).



Substitute, Vice-, vicegerent, in stead of, taking another's place; to substitute, replace another, represent another. See salíli, tál-us, ílis.



To change, exchange, take and give an equivalent, return in kind. Kuháon ko lang iníng ímo kimóno, kay suklián ko lang ikáw sing isá nga bág-o man kon magkádto akó sa Ilóngílong. I'll take this kimono of yours and buy a new one for you, when I go to Iloilo. (see báylo, ílis, báyad).

supú, sopó


To molt, moult, cast off, shed (horns, skin, feathers, etc.); to alter, change, rearrange, reform. (see ílis).



Substitute, Vice-, proxy; to take another's place, supply for, supply the place of, stand proxy for, to substitute, do something-in stead of another,-in another's stead. Sín-o ang nagatál-us sa íya? Who has taken his place? Who is his substitute? Gintal-usán siá ni Fuláno. N.N. took his place. N.N. replaced him. N.N. stood proxy for him. Itál-us sa íya si Fuláno. Substitute N.N. for him. Put N.N. in his place. Walâ sing malúyag magtál-us sa íya. There is none who would like to take his place. (see ílis, salíli, itál-us, italál-us).



(B) Exchange, interchange, reciprocality, mutuality; to exchange, interchange one thing for another, to reciprocate, give in exchange for, give in return, repay, recompense. Tigáylo diá kang kabúdlay mo. (Bálus iní sang ímo kabúdlay). This is to repay you (This is in recompense) for your trouble. Tigaylohí ti labí kamarahálon nga regálo kang sa dará na. (Balúsi siá sing labí kamalahálon nga hátag sang sa amóma nga íya dalá). Give him a better gift in exchange for the present of provisions he has brought. Anó ang ikatigáylo ko kanímo kariá? (Anó ang ikabálus ko sa ímo sinâ)? What can I give you in exchange for it? How shall I be able to repay (requite) you? (see bálus, ílis).



To transfer, transfuse, exchange, change the contents of, pour the contents of one vessel (receptacle) into another. Tipiahán mo ang sulúd sang ákon báso sing bíno. Put (Pour) wine into my glass (instead of its present contents). Change what I have in (what is in) my glass for wine. (see báylo, ílis, waní).

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