Search result(s) - arókok



A guffaw, loud laugh, a burst-, peal-, roar-, shout-, of laughter; to guffaw, shout-, roar-, with laughter, etc. Ngáa man nga nagahalákhak ikáw? Why are you laughing so much? Kay halakhakán-or-halalakhakán gid ang ginsúgid níya. Because what he said deserves a hearty laugh. Ang amó nga tabû hinalákhakán níla nga tanán. When that happened they all burst into peals of laughter. (see talángkaw, harákhak, arókok, aríkik, háha).



(B) To laugh heartily, but not boisterously. Anó ang ginaarók-ok mo? Why are you laughing so merrily? Iníng súgid takús nga arókokán. This story deserves a good laugh. (see aríkik, halák-hak, talángkaw, kádlaw, yúhum).