To taste, experience, profit from, get or receive a benefit or advantage. Walâ gid akó makadimól sang pinatubás námon, kay ginbáyad gid lámang sa ákon útang. I have not derived any advantage from our harvest, because it has all gone towards paying my debt. Walâ gid akó kadimól sang ímo kwárta, kán-on, kalámay, etc. I never had the least benefit from your money, rice, sugar, etc. Your money, etc. never did me any good. I never profited by your money, etc. i.e. you never gave me any money, rice, sugar, etc. (see dímdim, tiláw, pulús).
(B) To taste, savour, perceive or notice the taste of, try the flavour of. Kon ginahilántan kaw, índì kaw makasagámsam kang rarím kadiáng mángga. (Kon ginahilántan ikáw índì ikáw makatiláw sang lalím siníng páhò). If you are suffering from a cold you cannot appreciate the taste of this mango. Warâ ko masagamsamí ang sabór na kará. (Walâ ko matilawí ang íya sinâ nga sabór). I did not notice the taste. I never tasted that. (see tiláw, tám-id, dimól, dímdim).
Sip, taste, mouthful; to taste, try, sip, take a small draught of a liquid. Tigsimí iníng bíno, tubâ, sabáw, etc. Taste this wine, tubâ, sauce, etc. Walâ akó katígsim (makatígsim) sang íya mga ilímnon. I have not tasted (any of) his drinks. I have had no occasion to try his drinkables (wines, liquors). (see tiláw, dímdim, samít, dimól, sagámsam).
(H) To try, taste, experience, pass-, go-, through, endure, prove, test. Walâ pa gid akó makatiláw sang páhò. I have never yet tasted a mango. Tilawí siá. Try him, put him to the test. Decide (by an appeal to physical force, or the like) which of you (two) is stronger. Natilawán ko man inâ. I also have tried it (that). I also have experience of it. I have had the same experience. Patilawá siá siní. Let him try (taste) it (this). Kon magliwát siá magbúhat sing súbung ipatiláw mo sa íya ang ímo kamót (patilawón mo siá sang ímo kamót). If he does that again let him feel your hand i.e. punish him, let him smart for it. (see dímdim, dimól, samít, sagámsam, pórba, pruéba, tám-id, sagáwsaw).
To encircle or span around with thumb and middle-finger. Indì siá makakamól sang ákon liwatán. He cannot span my wrist with his thumb and middle-finger. Tilawí kag kamolón ang ákon bútkon kon makasaráng ikáw. Try to encircle my arm with your thumb and middle-finger, if you can. Also: A handful, as much as one can grasp with thumb and middle-finger. Hatági akó sing isá ka kamól nga humáy. Give me a handful of rice. Metaphorically: Walâ gid sing nakadimól, kay gínúrut lang níya sang kamól. Nobody had any benefit of it, because he grasped (or took) everything for himself. (see gamól).