Search result(s) - gáhud



Noise, boisterousness, din, uproar, racket, hubbub, hullaballoo, clatter; row, disorder, trouble; to be noisy, make a noise, etc. Indì kamó maggáhud or maggaláhud. Don't make such a noise. Ginahúran (-údan) akó níya. He disturbed me with the noise he made. He was noisy in my presence or within my hearing. Pagahúra lang ang mga bátà. Just let the boys make some noise. Ang manugláygay nga dílì níla úyon pinagahúran níla sing láta. They made a noise with tin-cans to disturb the preacher they did not like. Ginagahúran kag ginagámwan ang bánwa sang duhá ka búnghay nga nagasampúkay. The town is in a hullaballoo and is much disturbed by the fighting of the two opposing factions. (see galúng, gamú, garók).



Awake, waking; to wake, awaken, get up, rise, open one's eyes after a sleep, be aroused from sleep. Nakabúgtaw (nagbúgtaw) na siá?-Hóo, kay ginpabúgtaw ko siá. Is he awake now?-Yes, for I woke him. Búgtaw ka, kay ádlaw na. Wake up, for it is bright day. Pabugtawá siá. Wake him. Ginbugtawán níya yádtong gáhud. He was-waked,-woke,-woken,-wakened,-awakened,-roused, by that noise. He woke up at that noise. Ipabúgtaw akó ánay sa íya. Please wake him for me. Bugtawí sa buás ang paggalíng sang tubó. Rise tomorrow in time for the milling of the sugar cane. Rise very early tomorrow morning for the milling of the sugar cane. (see matá, pamúka, agáp).



Very noisy, boisterous, rowdy; to be very noisy, etc. Anó ang ginaburígal nínyo? Why are you so boisterous? Indì kamó magburígal-or-magbinurígal. Don't make a racket. Don't be rowdy. Indì akó nínyo pagburigálan. Don't disturb me with your noise. (see gáhud, galúng, buríghul).



Row, riot, noise, trouble, disorder, tumult, excitement; to be turbulent, noisy, excited, cause a commotion, etc. May buróka, konó, kagáb-i. Nakabatî ka? There was some excitement (brawl, riot, tumult, or the like) last night. Did you hear it? Anó ang íla ginaburóka (ginabinuróka)? Why are they so excited? What is their trouble? Yádtong hitabô naburokáhan sing dakû. That event caused great excitement. (see gáhud, gamú).



(Sp. escandalo) Scandal, opprobrium, shame, filth, obscenity, indecency; commotion, tumult, row, squabble, hubbub, rumpus, scrimmage, embroglio, fracas, uproar; to be scandalous; be rowdy, turbulent, a disturber of the peace, etc. Indì ka mageskándalo. Don't create a scandal. Don't cause a scene. Don't be rowdy. Don't kick up a row. (see gamó, gáhud, kinagúlà, kagarokán, kinagúbot).



(Sp. escandalo) Scandal, opprobrium, shame, filth, obscenity, indecency; commotion, tumult, row, squabble, hubbub, rumpus, scrimmage, embroglio, fracas, uproar; to be scandalous; be rowdy, turbulent, a disturber of the peace, etc. Indì ka mageskándalo. Don't create a scandal. Don't cause a scene. Don't be rowdy. Don't kick up a row. (see gamó, gáhud, kinagúlà, kagarokán, kinagúbot).



Dim. and Freq. of gáhud. Ang mga bátà nagaginahúdgáhud. The boys are rather noisy.



(B) Noise, din, uproar, racket, hubbub, hullaballoo, clatter, boisterousness; to make a din, noise, etc. Indì kamó maggalúng. Don't make a noise. Indì akó nínyo paggalungán. Don't disturb me with your noise. Pagalungá lang silá. Let them make a noise. Dálha dídto sa únhan ang mga kánding kag idô, kay ipagalúng sa íla katipúnan. Take the goats and dogs over there to disturb their meeting with the noise. Pagkagalúng sináng mga bátà! How boisterous those boys are! (see gáhud).



Disturbance, row, riot, trouble, disorder, tumult, fracas, affray, melee, uproar, squabble, brawl, commotion; to cause a disturbance, etc., throw into confusion, take away peace or tranquillity. May gamú silá sa íla baláy. There is some disorder or commotion in their home. Indì kamó maggamú or magginamú dirí sa ámon. Don't disturb us here. Don't interrupt our peace or tranquillity. Ginámwan níya ang bánwa. He caused a commotion in town. Iníng duhá ka táo may dakû nga gamú. These two men are at loggerheads, are having a serious fight or quarrel between themselves. Pagámwa (pagamuhá) lang silá, kay walâ man sing pulús kon ímo silá husáyon, kay índì silá mamátì. Just let them fight it out, for it is of no use to try to mediate, as they won't listen to you. Anó ang nanginkabangdánan siníng gamú? What is the origin or cause of this riot? (see garók, gáhud, galúng, gúbat).



Noise, din, racket, uproar, boisterousness; to be noisy, set up a din, make a-din,-racket,-noise, etc. Daláyon gid lang ang íla nga paggánsal dirí. They are constantly making a racket here. Ginansalán akó níla sa idálum sang baláy. They annoyed me with their boisterousness underneath the house. (see gáhud, galúng).



Noise; to be noisy, etc. See gáhud, ginalóng.



Noise, racket, boisterousness, commotion, alarm, tumult; to be noisy, etc. Indì kamó maggúlà or magginúlà. Don't make such a noise or disturbance. Nagaginúlà kamó nga daw pánkà. You are making a noise like a lot of frogs. (see gául, gúal, gáhud, gánsal, galúng, gamú).



Rattle, clatter, noise, uproar; to rattle, clatter, make a noise. (see gáhud, halungkágay).



A prefix of very wide use in the formation of abstract and collective nouns as well as of an exclamatory superlative which nearly corresponds in meaning to the English "How--!" e.g. álam-kaálam (wisdom, learning); písan-kapísan (diligence, application); píntas-kapíntas (cruelty); ángot-kaangtánan (connection); lábut-kalabtánan (participation, implication); uyáng-kahinguyángan (outlay, expenditure); bátà-kabatáan (childhood; children); baláy-kabalayán (houses, collection of houses); támad-katámad sa ímo! How lazy you are! Dásig-kadásig siníng kabáyo! How swiftly this horse runs! gáhud, galúng-kagáhud kag kagalúng sináng mga bátà! Oh, the noisiness and boisterousness of those children! lisúd-ay, kalisúd! Oh, what a heavy cross! After superlative adverbs like lakás, lám-ag, dúro, masyádo, támà, túman, etc. "ka" is either prefixed to the adjectives or takes the place of ma-, e.g. Dalók-greedy. Lakás kadalók. Very greedy. Layâ-dry. Masyádo kalayâ. Very dry. Maitúm-black. Lám-ag kaitúm. Very black. Madálum-deep. Dúro kadálum. Very deep. Matámbok-fat. Támà katámbok. Very fat. Dakû-large. Túman kadakû. Very large, etc.



Noise, boisterousness, racket, row. (gáhud).



Noise, uproar. (see kagánsal, gáhud).



To make a noise by walking to and fro, to move audibly or noisily. Ang mga ilagâ, haló, etc. nagakólas sa ibábaw sang kisamí. The rats, iguanas, etc. are moving about noisily above the ceiling. Indì kamó magkólas. Don't be noisy. Indì nínyo akó pagkolásan. Don't disturb me with your noise. Kagáhud sang kalóng sang sibúkaw nga nagakólas sa hángin. What a noise the dry sebucao-pods make rustling in the wind. (see gáhud, galúng).



To move, stir, make a noise. (see lihók, líhok, gióng-gíong, húlag, íwos, híos, gamó, gáhud).



Noise, nuisance, annoyance; to annoy, be annoyed. Ginaling-ogán akó sinâ. I am annoyed at that. That annoys me. (see gamú, gáhud).



Noisy, boisterous, rowdy, loud, obstreperous, clamorous, uproarious. (see gáhud).

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