Mill, machine; grinding-stone, grindstone. Galingán-tubó. A sugar-mill. Galingán-humáy. A rice-hulling machine. (see galíng, gáling, galalíngon, dawdáwan, pábrika).
A cog, tooth, sprocket, in a wheel; a false tooth; to insert a tooth or cog, to fill a tooth, make an artificial tooth. A lángálang na iníng galingán, kay napíngas ang madámù nga bánsil. This mill or machine does not work well any longer, because many cogs are broken off. Bansilán mo ang ákon ngípon. Fill my tooth. Make me an artificial tooth. Ang dentísta nagbánsil sang ákon ngípon. The dentist filled my tooth or made me an artificial tooth. Buláwan ang ibánsil mo sa ákon ngípon. Fill my tooth with gold or make me a gold tooth.
To spin, rotate, turn, go round, as a wheel on its axle. Ang ruéda nagabúyung. The wheel is turning. Pabuyúnga ang galingán sang maís. Set the maize-mill-going,-in motion. Ipabúyung akó siníng alíling. Kindly turn this wheel for me. Ang mga bátà nagapabúyung sang íla mga kasíng. The boys are spinning their tops. (see túyub, tíyog).
To mill, grind, pulverize, reduce to powder, powder, comminute, crush, put through a mill or between grinding stones. Sán-o kamó magagalíng sang ínyo tubó? When shall you mill your sugar-cane? Galingí akó sing diótay nga maís, humáy, kapé, etc. Grind for me some corn, rice, coffee, etc. Igalíng akó ánay siníng isá ka gántang nga kapé. Please, grind this "ganta" of coffee for me. Kay walâ akó sing galingán nga ákon kaugalíngon, ipagalíng ko lang ang ákon tubó sa galingán ni Fuláno. As I have no sugar-mill of my own, I will have my sugar-cane put through N.N.'s mill. (see gáling).
To creak, emit a grating sound as by friction or the like. Ang kángga nagaígot, kay walâ sing síbo. The cart creaks because it is not greased. Ginpaígot níya ang galingán sang kapé. He made the coffee mill creak. Huy, sapatéro, índì mo pagpaigóton ang ákon mga sapátos. Now, shoemaker, don't make my boots creaky. Don't make me boots that creak.
To creak, emit a grating sound as by friction or the like. Ang kángga nagaígot, kay walâ sing síbo. The cart creaks because it is not greased. Ginpaígot níya ang galingán sang kapé. He made the coffee mill creak. Huy, sapatéro, índì mo pagpaigóton ang ákon mga sapátos. Now, shoemaker, don't make my boots creaky. Don't make me boots that creak.
To extend, spread, to propagate, cause to be more extensively used or known, promulgate, circulate, disseminate, diffuse, popularize. Ginpalápnag níla ang pagtóo. They spread the faith. Palapnagá iníng kláse sang bínhì. Make general the use of this kind of seeds. Walâ pa silá pagpalapnagí dídto sang amó nga galingán. That sort of machine has not yet been introduced there amongst them. Ipalápnag dídto ang amó nga balasahón. Make propaganda there for that paper. Increase the circulation of that paper in that locality. (pa, lápnag).
Band, belt, particularly a transmission belt used in machinery. Ulás sang galingán. The transmision belt of a mill.
Band, belt, particularly a transmission belt used in machinery. Ulás sang galingán. The transmision belt of a mill.