Search result(s) - hábhab



To eat like an animal, putting one's mouth into the food or into a plate without the use of a spoon. Habhabá lang ang kán-on súbung sang isá ka idô. Just eat your food like a dog. Hinabhabán ang íya nga sinámò sang idô. The dog took a mouthful of food from his plate. Habhabí lang ang pínggan. Put the plate to your mouth. Ihábhab ang bábà mo sa pínggan. Put your mouth to the plate. (see áb-ab, láklak, dílap).



To eat like an animal. Indì mo pagihákhak ang ímo bábà sa pínggan súbung sang ísa ka báboy. Don't put your mouth to the plate like a pig. (see hábhab).



To eat like an animal (as pigs and dogs). (see hábhab, láklak).



To lap, lick up, swill, guzzle, gulp, gobble, swallow down, eat and drink, as dogs and pigs, etc. Ang báboy nagaláklak sang damóg. The pig gulps down its swill. Ang túbig siníng pínggan ginlaklakán sang idô. The dog lapped water from this plate. (see hábhab, hákhak).



To lick or suck (a finger, etc.); to lap, sip. Ginkúhit níya ang íya túdlò sa lasáw kag tamsokán (tinamsokán). He dipped his finger in the molasses and licked it. (see támos, sópsop, lótgot, hábhab, láklak, súyup).