Search result(s) - hándus



To spear, spit, lance, stick, harpoon, bore or thrush through, pierce or stab with a pointed weapon, perforate, put a spear through, etc.; overhand; to overhand (in sewing). Handusá ang haló sang matalíwis nga báhì. Pierce the iguana with the sharp-pointed dibble. Hinandusán sang isá ka bángkaw ang kílid ni Hesús. The side of Jesus was pierced by a lance. Ihándus ang ímo dága sa líog sang talunón. Thrust your dagger into the wild pig's throat. Ginhándus sang polís ang íya bángkaw sa báboy. The policeman put his lance through the pig. (see dulút, lápus, lapús, bunô).



A thrust, lunge, to lunge, make a thrust or pass at, let drive at, strike at, threaten with, use physical force. Nagharáhad siá sa ákon sang íya bastón. He struck at me with his stick. Indì mo akó pagharahádan (-áran) (-ádon) sang binángon. Don't lunge at me with your bolo. Iharáhad sa íya ang tagád mo. Strike at him with your dibble (iron-pointed). (see hándus, barumbáda).



To thrust or push with a pointed instrument, spear, stick, pierce, stab (from below), thrust upwards. Haróga siá sang bagát. Make a lunge at him (from below) with the (slender) pole. Harógi ang haló sa solóksolók nga árà sa káhoy. Pierce the belly of the iguana there on the tree. Ihárog sa íya ang ímo bángkaw. Thrust your lance into him (from underneath). (see dúgdug, hándus, haráhad, túslok).



(B) lapús, (H) To pierce, transpierce, transfix, penetrate, go through, perforate, come out on the other side. Nakalápus na ang barína. The gimlet is through now. Ginlápsan (-lapusán) sang dága ang íya tagiposóon. His heart was pierced by the dagger. Palápsi ang tápì sing lánsang. Drive a nail through the plank. Nalápsan sang bángkaw ang íya tamíng kag ang matalíwis nga salsálon nalubúng sa íya dúghan. The lance went through his shield and the sharp iron-point buried itself in his chest. Indì mo pagpalápson ang lánsang. Don't drive the nail quite through. (see hándus,-to thrust, pierce; dulút-pierce the surface).



To push, prod, jab, thrust against. Sumbalí siá sang bagát. Give him a prod with the pole. Isúmbal sa íya iníng bastón. Jab this stick against him. Jab him with this stick. (see túslok, tisók, tíslok, hárog, hándus, dúgdug).