Now then! Come on! Let us see. Hínta, ísol ka dídto. Now then, get back there. Hínta, pasúlnga akó. Now then, show it to me, let me see it. Hínta, ipabása mo sa ákon ang sulát. Well, let me read the letter. Hínta, ábi, tan-awón ko kon matúod in-á. Well! Fancy that! I want to see whether that is true. Hínta, dína (diín na) ang tulún-an nga ginsilíng mo? Now then, where is the book you mentioned? (see hánti, hatî).
Why, well, now then, etc. "Ta" is either merely an exclamation or it is employed to avoid abruptness. Ta, ikáw lang dirâ sa baláy magbántay. Well, you must be the one to guard the house. Ta, himóa inâ. Now then, get it done. Ta, lakát na kitá. Let us go. (see hínta, hatî). tâ, Look here! You see! Didn't I tell you? There you are! Well! Now then! See tê, tî.
For hínta (ta), ánay. Wait a little. Wait a bit. Hold on. Have a little patience. Stop a moment. Taánay, mabakál pa akó sing abáno kag mapaúlì kitá. Wait a little, I am going to buy some cigars and then we shall go home. Taánay, índì ka maghámbal sing súbung, kay butíg. Hold on, don't talk like that, for it is not true. Taánay, idógidóg, kay malántaw man ang mánghud mo. Stand back a little, for your younger brother also likes to look out (through the window, etc.). Taánay, patan-awá akó sang mga binakál mo. Now then, let me see what you have bought. (see hulá, tánay).
Freq. of tahíntáhin. To dress well, go about in clean and tidy clothes, to be spick and span, to arrange well-one's dress,-one's hair,-one's general appearance.
Freq. of areglár-to arrange, etc. Also: to dress well, to be neat and tidy, be spick and span. (see panahíntáhin).
Well-dressed, spick and span, neat, clean and tidy. The form panahín-táhin is more in use especially as verb. Nagpanahín-táhin siá, kay mamiésta. She is well dressed, because she is going to assist at the feast. Kon magkádto ka dídto kinahánglan nga magpanahíntáhin (manahíntáhin) ka. When you go there you must be clean and tidy,-must dress yourself with care. Nagapanahíntáhin siá, kay magapanganák siá. She looks spick and span, because she is going to be godmother.