Search result(s) - tánay



For hínta (ta), ánay. Wait a little. Wait a bit. Hold on. Have a little patience. Stop a moment. Taánay, mabakál pa akó sing abáno kag mapaúlì kitá. Wait a little, I am going to buy some cigars and then we shall go home. Taánay, índì ka maghámbal sing súbung, kay butíg. Hold on, don't talk like that, for it is not true. Taánay, idógidóg, kay malántaw man ang mánghud mo. Stand back a little, for your younger brother also likes to look out (through the window, etc.). Taánay, patan-awá akó sang mga binakál mo. Now then, let me see what you have bought. (see hulá, tánay).



Mutual hatred, hatred of each other; to hate each other. (see dumút).



To bite each other, from kagát.



To play at propounding riddles, to give each other riddles to solve. (see pakót).

From sabát-to answer.



Collection (of debts), demand (for payment); to collect outstanding debts, demand payment. (see sokót).



(Sp. abono) Manure, fertilizer; to manure. Abonóhi ang umá. Manure the field. Ipaabóno ko sa ímo ang ákon umá, kon makasugtánay kitá sa nahanungúd sang isóhol ko sa ímo. I'll let you manure my field, if we can come to an agreement as to how much I have to pay you in wages, (see lambón).



To follow close, cling-, stick-, adhere-, to; to be-with,-connected with,-attached to. Ang bátà nagaángot sa íya ilóy. The child clings to its mother. Ginaangótan siníng anák ang íya ilóy sa bisán diín siá magkádto. This child follows its mother wherever she goes. Ipaángot mo ang bátà sa íya tíyà. Let the child be with-, remain near-, its aunt. Nagaangtánay (nagaalángot, nagaalalángot) silá nga tanán. They are all united, attached to-, connected with-, one another. (see amág, tábid, únung).



Hatred, hate, spite, odium, antipathy, aversion, spleen, acrimony, detestation, animosity, enmity; to hate, abominate, detest, bear malice. May dumút siá sa ákon. He has a spite against me. He bears me malice. Nagadumút siá sa ákon-or-ginadúmtan níya akó. He hates me. Ipadumút mo sa íya ang maláut nga batásan. Teach him to detest bad habits. Nagadumtánay silá. They hate each other. Ginbátyag ko ang isá ka dakû nga dumút sa íya, ápang gintágò ko lámang. I felt a great detestation for him, but kept it hidden. (see ákig-anger; aligótgot-spite, resentment, grudge; kahísà, kahíkaw-envy, grudge, spite; kasílag-hot blood, rage, ill feeling).



(Sp. imprenta) Printing; to print. Imprentahá ang líbro. Print the book. Ipaimprénta ang líbro. Have the book printed. Ipaimprénta ko sa ímo ang ákon mga ilimprentáhon, kon magkasugtánay kitá sa baláyran. I'll let you do my printing, if we can agree as to payment. Naimprentahán siá sing isá ka líbro nga íya sinulát. A book written by him was printed, appeared in print. (see bálhag, balhágan).



(Sp. imprenta) Printing; to print. Imprentahá ang líbro. Print the book. Ipaimprénta ang líbro. Have the book printed. Ipaimprénta ko sa ímo ang ákon mga ilimprentáhon, kon magkasugtánay kitá sa baláyran. I'll let you do my printing, if we can agree as to payment. Naimprentahán siá sing isá ka líbro nga íya sinulát. A book written by him was printed, appeared in print. (see bálhag, balhágan).



The shears of a lobster, shrimp or the like; to bite, snap, nip, grip, seize with the teeth or with the equivalent of teeth; to catch hold (of inanimate things). Ang mga idô nagakadtánay (for nagakagatánay). The dogs are biting each other. Ang lánsang nagakagát na. The nail has now a firm grip or hold. Ginkagát (kinagát) ang bátà sang báboy. The child was bitten by the pig. Ang ginkádtan (kinádtan) sang idô naghubág. The place bitten by the dog swelled up.

luát, lu-át


To cease, stop, leave off, desist. Indì akó maluát sa pagkádto dídto túbtub nga ákon siá makítà. I will not stop from going there till I see him. Walâ níya pagluatí ang pagbalíkbálik dídto túbtub nga nagkasugtánay silá kag nabakál níya ang báka. He did not (would not) desist from returning there again and again till they came to an agreement and he succeeded in buying the cow. (see liát, libútay).



To argue, dispute or quarrel about something that one of the disputants has to perform and none of them likes to, to push to and fro. Nagapadaítol silá kon sín-o sa íla ang magtíg-ang, ang mangáhoy, etc.-or-ginapadaitólan níla ang pagtíg-ang, pangáhoy, etc. They are disputing or quarrelling as to which of them should boil rice, collect firewood, etc. (see sabtánay; tudlánay (sabát, tulúd), paítol).



To remonstrate, argue, try to overcome, quarrel, bicker and bite, to urge, incite against, overwhelm with. Nagapadausáy silá. They are arguing (remonstrating) with each other. Indì kamó magpadáus. Don't quarrel. Pinadaúsan akó níya sang idô. He set his dog on me. Ipadáus mo ang idô sa báboy. Send the dog after the pig. Ginapadaúsan lang akó níya sing hámbal, bisán walâ sing katarúngan. He abused me in strong language, though he had no reason for it. (see padag-ánay, sabtánay, país-is).



To continue, keep on, keep going, keep at it, keep up, keep on foot, hold out, persist, carry on, stick to, prolong, cause to continue, remain or stay. Padayóna ang ímo hámbal. Continue your speech. Padayóni ang ákon baláy siníng mga bisíta. Let these visitors stay at my home. Ipadáyon ko sa ímo ang ákon dútà kon magkasugtánay kitá sa nahanungúd sang hinákay. I will continue to let you have my field on lease, if we can agree upon the rent (payment for the lease). (pa, dáyon).



Caus. of gúyud. To let-, make-, order to-, haul or drag along, etc. Paguyúra ang karabáw sang kawáyan. Let the buffalo pull the bamboo. Paguyúra na lang akó sang kon pilá ka paggúyud ang kinahánglan mo pa túbtub nga maúbus pagdalá dirí sa ímo baláy ang duhá ka gatús ka nahót nga kawáyan. Let me now haul in as many hauls as you may need yet to complete the job of bringing here to your house the two hundred pieces of bamboo. Hóo, ipagúyud ko sa ímo, kon magkasugtánay kitá sa nahanungúd sang sóhol nga ibáyad ko sa ímo. Yes, I will get you to haul in (the bamboo), if we can come to an agreement about how much I have to pay you for the freightage. Sa tápus ang tágsa ka paggúyud papahuáya ang karabáw kay índì siá mapagúyud sing lángkoy. After each haul give the buffalo a rest, because it cannot be made to haul continuously (without a break).



Answer, reply, return, rejoinder, retort, repartee, response; to answer, reply, rebut, retort, rejoin, respond. Sábta (sabatá) akó. Answer me. Sumabát siá sa ákon nga--. He replied to me saying that--. Walâ pa nákon mabáton ang íya sabát. I have not yet received his answer. Nagáway (Nagbagâ) silá kag maláwig ang íla pagsinabtánay. They quarrelled and bandied words for a long time. Walâ kitá sing isabát sa íya sinâ. We have nothing to say in reply to him regarding that matter i.e. he is quite right, we have no excuse or reasonable argument against him. Sábta siá sang íya ginapamángkot. Answer his question. Sinabát ko siá nga--. I answered him saying that--. (see bálus).



Conform, conformable, agreeable, agreeing, willing, granting; to agree, accede, defer to, fall in with, concur, assent, acquiesce, to conform to, approve of. Sugút ka sinâ? Do you agree to that? Do you allow it or approve of it? Nagkasugtánay na silá. They have come to an agreement or understanding. Indì mo siá pagsúgtan sang amó nga mga butáng. Don't give him your consent with regard to those things. Pasúgta siá. Let him agree. Make him give his consent. Pasúgti siá. Let him have his way. Balasolón gid ang batásan sádtong mga ginikánan nga íla ginapasúgtan lang ang íla mga bátà sang tanán níla nga luyáglúyag. It is very blameworthy in those parents who allow their children to have their own way in everything.