A cake made of flour mixed with sugar and then fried.
A kind of rice-cake. (see kúmbò).
To cook in the manner of kúmbò, which see. Also: to make rise, swell, puff up, as bread, a cake, etc. (by fermentation). Ginpakúmbò níla ang mga ságing sa mantékà. They fried the bananas in lard as if they were making kúmbò.
(H) Cloak, coat, mantle, cover, wrapper; to wrap up with, put on, etc. See kulámbot. Ikúmbot (ipangalúmbot) mo ang hábul sa ímo láwas. Wrap the blanket round you. (see pangalúmbot, pangulúmbut).
(Sp. combo) Table-cruets, cruet stand, a stand for fruit and sweets.
Partner, etc. See kambóya.
Company, firm, business, trust, stock-company.
A running line, any rope or string, attached by means of rings or a channel, through which it passes, to a garment, curtain, fishing-net or the like; any other material used in a similar way and for the same purpose; to attach or provide such a rope, etc. Aloghogí ang puróy mo. Put a running string to your short breeches. Ialóghog ang písì. Put the cord through its channel (or rings, as the case may be). Ialóghog ang alóghog sa íya nga aloghogán. Thread the cord through the rings, blocks, tubes, hem, etc. Ginpakábit níla ang kúmbong sa lúbid nga. inogalóghog (inalóghog). They hung up the curtain on a running rope. (see halóghog id. and the more usual form).
(H) Cloak, mantle, covering, cover, wrapping; to cover or wrap oneself up, inwrap, enwrap, envelop, roll up in, swathe, swaddle, lap, fold, muffle up. Kon magtúlug siá nagakulámbot sing kápay. When he sleeps he wraps himself up in a blanket. Mangulámbot ka sing hábul. Wrap yourself up in a blanket. Cover yourself with a blanket. (see kúmbot, kulúmbot).