Dim. and Freq. of lígwat. Also: to turn over leaves, or the like. Ginaligwátlígwat mo lang ang tulún-an nga walâ mo pagabasáha. You are merely turning over the leaves of the book without reading it. (see hítad, hitádhítad).
(B) To twist or turn aside, deflect the aim, hinder a straight hit. Warâ mamúng-i ang mán-og, hay nagsaligwatóng sa kawáyan ang bastón ko. (Walâ matám-i (maígò) ang mán-og, kay nagalángálang (nakasángit) sa kawáyan ang ákon bastón). I did not hit the snake fair, because my stick was deflected by the bamboo. (see salipád, saligotóng).
Dim. and Freq. of líkwat. (see ligwátlígwat).
To twist or turn aside, etc. See saligwatóng.
To be turned out of a straight line, to fly off in an oblique direction, to deviate from a straight line, to hit or strike at a tangent, to hit a glancing blow; glancing, grazing, at a tangent, not direct, not straight. Nagsalipád ang binángon kag naígò ang ákon tiíl. The bolo glanced off (deflected from a straight line) and hit my foot. (see bariwás, saligwatóng, saligotóng).