Search result(s) - lúb-uk



Rotten, putrid, decayed, stale, bad smelling, said of fish, meat, etc., corrupt, putrescent, bad, tainted, foul, fetid, evil smelling, stinking, malodorous. Nagalúb-uk lang dirí ang ísdà kay walâ sing nagabakál. The fish is just rotting here, for there are no buyers. Ibalígyà ang kárne sing madalî, agúd índì maglúb-uk. Sell the meat quickly or it will spoil. Nalub-ukán akó sing madámù nga ísdà; dakû ang ákon kaperdihán. Quite a lot of my fish went rotten; my loss is great. (see dúnut, dunút, hurô, bahál).



Rotten, tainted, bad, contaminated, spoilt, putrid, said especially of foodstuffs; to rot, go bad, get spoilt, etc. Nagpán-os ang kárne. The meat was tainted. Napan-osán kamí sang ísdà kag tungúd sinâ walâ kamí sing súd-an sa panihápon námon. Our fish went bad and consequently we had no side-dish for our supper. (see bángog, bagéu, báng-aw, pángos, lúb-uk, hurô).