Search result(s) - makahanúsbò



Sad, dreary, sorrowful, doleful, dismal, dolorous, grievous, exciting grief, sorrow or sadness. (see subô).



Confused, bewildered, stupefied, dazed, troubled, bothered, flustered, disconcerted, fuddled; to be or become confused, etc. Naglibúg ang íya úlo. His mind is confused. He is in a quandary. Palígba (palibugá) siá. Perplex him. Indì mo siá pagpaímnon sing lakás nga bíno, agúd índì maglibúg ang íya úlo. Don't give him too much wine to drink, lest he should become fuddled. Yanáng makahanúsbò nga hitabû amó ang ginapalígban sang íya panumdúman. That sad event troubles his mind. (see língin, lingín).



(H) Grievous, painful, distressful, distressing, afflicting, afflictive, causing pain and grief, sorrowful. (see kághà, makahanúsbò).



To end, stop, terminate, cease, close, finish, conclude, cause to cease, put a stop to, bring to an end, put an end to, said especially of troubles and difficulties. Palawá ang íya kalisúd. Put a stop to his distress. Ipaláw iníng kalingáwlingáwan sa íya kasubô. Make use of this diversion to make her stop mourning. Ang pagabút ni tátay nagpaláw sang íya nga kamíngaw. The arrival of father was the end of her loneliness. Ginpaláw sang diósnon nga kaló-oy ang íya makahanúsbò nga kahimtángan. The mercy of God granted that his pitiable condition should end. (see paráw).