Search result(s) - malíndog



A large rice-container of woven bamboo, capable of holding as much as thirty bushels or even more, but mostly of a size to hold about ten bushels.



To break in or through, make an opening or hole through an outer covering, wrapping or partition, so as to get at what is behind, to pierce, perforate. Guhábi ang malíndog, díngding, ganháan, etc. Make a hole in the rice-container, the partition-wall, the door, etc. Sín-o ang naggúhab sang kurúng sang manók? Who broke open the poultry-pen? Ginuhában sang manugbúlung ang búsung ni Fuláno, kay íya ginusísà ang samád sa sulúd kag kuháon. The doctor cut open N.N.'s stomach to find out what was the cause of the trouble and removed it. (see gíhab).



(H) To weave, make wickerwork. Laláha ang kálò, amákan, etc. Weave the hat, the bamboo-mat, etc. Laláhi akó sing tátlo ka bílog nga malíndog. Weave for me three large rice-containers (of bamboo). Kahibaló ka maglála? Can you make wickerwork? (see rára).



To start-, begin-, lay the foundation of-, a rice-stack, wickerwork, etc.; cover the bottom of a receptacle to be filled. Saládi (salári) ang tabungós, túmpi, etc. Begin weaving the tabungós-basket, start making the rice-stack, etc. Kon nasaláran mo na ang kálò ákon raráhon, kay maálam akó magrára, ápang índì akó makahibaló magsálad. If you have finished the initial process of weaving the hat, I shall weave it, for I know how to weave, but do not know how to start (i.e. to arrange the splints, weavers, etc. previous to the actual weaving). Ang isá ka pásong daw sa índì makasálad sa isá ka malíndog nga nagasulúd sing katloán ka pásong. One bushel is scarcely sufficient to cover the bottom of a rice-container holding thirty bushels. Isálad iníng mga sókdap sa bakág. Use these bamboo-splints to start weaving the carrier's basket.



To transfer (in small quantities) the contents of one vessel to another. Saliahá ang túbig (sa) siníng alhíbi sa isá. Transfer the water from this tank to the other one. Ginsália níla ang humáy (sa) iníng malíndog sa tátlo ka tabungós. They transferred the rice from this large container to three tabungós-baskets. (see pasáylo).



Barn, granary, large rice-container (generally a small out-house or shed separate from the main building). (see damiság, malíndog).