Search result(s) - mamahî



Perfect, entire, whole, blameless, without blemish or defect, particularly applied to tobacco-leaves, etc.; good-looking, handsome, nice, attractive, beautiful, comely, pretty (of face, etc.) (see mahî, bilóg, maáyo, maányag, magayón, matahúm, maámbong).



Nice, beautiful, perfect, flawless, unblemished, faultless, uninjured, without flaw or defect; to be or become nice, etc. Tagái akó sing isá ka pánid nga mahî (mamahî) nga tabákò, kay himóon ko nga kapóti. Give me a flawless tobacco-leaf, for I am going to use it as a wrapper. Nagmahî na ang guyá sang bátà. The child's face has developed beautifully,-has become nice, or the like. (see mamahî, ayóáyo, maayóáyo, hímpit, lántip, gayón, ányag).

Dim. of mamahî. Rather well developed, not much torn or fissured, pretty well, etc.



Beautiful, beauteous, seemly, bonny, good-looking, sightly, pretty, handsome, fine, charming, comely, nice, lovely, splendid. (see tahúm, maányag, maayóáyo, maámbong, madálig, magayón, mamahî)