Nice, beautiful, perfect, flawless, unblemished, faultless, uninjured, without flaw or defect; to be or become nice, etc. Tagái akó sing isá ka pánid nga mahî (mamahî) nga tabákò, kay himóon ko nga kapóti. Give me a flawless tobacco-leaf, for I am going to use it as a wrapper. Nagmahî na ang guyá sang bátà. The child's face has developed beautifully,-has become nice, or the like. (see mamahî, ayóáyo, maayóáyo, hímpit, lántip, gayón, ányag).
Loveliness, prettiness, attractiveness; self-respect, tact, modesty; to be or become nice, pretty, lovely, self-respecting, tactful, modest, etc. Magámbong ka sa ímo kagawián. Try to be modest in your behaviour. Be tactful in your manners. Ginámbong níya gid ang íya pamísti (pagnaúg). She was very properly dressed, took care to have her clothes neatly arranged. Ambongá ang ímo paglakát. Be modest or well-mannered in your way of walking. Si Pedro naambongán sa kay Pulána, ápang si Hosé walâ maambongí sa íya. Peter was well impressed by the bearing of Miss N. N., but Joseph was not well impressed by her manner. Nagámbong na iníng bátà. This child has grown quite pretty. (see ányag, gayón, tahúm, mahî, úgdang, lígdong).
(B) To develop beautifully, grow handsome, become lovelier,-better. Nagaduás na ang bátà, kay nagdakû. The child is growing beautiful and tall. (see dálig, tahúm, mahî, hingánhingán, ayóáyo).
Dim. and Freq. of mahí-to be or become nice, etc.
Dim. of mamahî. Rather well developed, not much torn or fissured, pretty well, etc.
Beauty, loveliness, comeliness, pulchritude, prettiness, handsomeness, goodliness, attractiveness, good looks; to be, become or make beautiful, nice, handsome, lovely, comely, fair, beauteous, pretty, good-looking. Nagtahúm na ang simbáhan, kay napintahán. The church has become beautiful now, for it has been painted. Tahumá ang pagpuní. Make beautiful decorations. Abáw, katahúm siní! What a beauty! How beautiful this is! Natahumán akó siní. This seems beautiful to me. (see ámbong, ányag, ayóáyo, gayón, dálig, mahî).
Friendship, friend, intimate acquaintance, attachment, mutual esteem or assistance. (Often used rather humorously instead of the Sp. amistád).
Friendly, affable, kind, amiable. (see ábyan).
Knowing, wise, sapient, learned, experienced, clever, dexterous, skillful. (see hibaló, aláman, manginalámon, maábtik).
Home-sick, yearning to see, longing after, wishing to meet or see absent friends and relatives, nostalgic. (see hídlaw).
Opportune, convenient, advisable, proper. (see kahigayónan, kahigayonán).
Not adjective, but a verbal form of hígmaw-to relish new things and experiences, etc.
Less or smaller than required, not as large as, not enough, not quite sufficient, below the size or standard of a thing serving as a comparison. (see higúshigús, kúlang, kabús, kulábus).