Search result(s) - nâ



In combination with a negative: Not any more, not any longer, not again, never again. Indì ka na magbúhat sinâ. You shall not do it any more. Dílì na siá matámbok. He is not fat any longer. Walâ na siá magbálik dídto. He did not go back there again. He never returned to that place. Walâ na silá sing humáy. They have no rice any more. (see the following na).



Now, at last, already, at present, so soon. Manyága na kitá. Let us now have dinner. Adlaw na, bángon kamó. It is already broad day-light, get up. Tápus na? Finished so soon (already)? Tápus na. This is the end of it. Finished. Ari na siá. He is now here. N.B. The na in the Visayan language is much more used than the "now, already" of English and may often be left out in translation without impairing the sense. (see karón, don, ron, kár-on).



A potential verbal prefix denoting the past tense passive and corresponding to the future ma-It can frequently be translated by "got, was, became", e.g. nagútum siá. He was hungry. Nadakúp siá. He got caught. Nabúdlay siá. He became weary (tired, exhausted). Na-is often interchangeable with gin-, though the rule is that gin-should be used, when the agent is expressly stated and na-, when the agent is not determined, e.g. gingubâ sang bágyo ang ámon baláy. Our house was destroyed by the hurricane. Nagubâ ang ámon baláy. Our house was destroyed.



A shortened form of nagka-, e.g. nahádluk (nagkahádluk) siá. He was (became) afraid. Nadágdag (nagkadágdag) ang pínggan. The plate fell down, etc.



(B) His, hers, its, etc. (see íya, níya, ána).


An exclamation: There you are! You see now! (see dan, , ).