(H) Now, at present, at the present-time,-day,-moment,-juncture,-occasion, presently, immediately, shortly, forthwith, anon, nowadays; before long, soon; adj.: present, current. Lakát kitá karón. Let us go now. Mapailóngílong akó karón. I am going to Iloilo soon. Sa súbung siní walâ akó sing tinión, ápang karón ugáling tatápon ko ang ímo kinahánglan. Just at present I have no time, but before long I will attend to your need. Sa karón nga mga tinúig--. At the present time, in the times we are living in--. Ang karón nga túig. The present or current year.
A suffix of verbs that have a passive in-on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses:
1.) The passive impersonal imperative. Buháta iní. Do this. (búhat, buháton). Higugmaá kag tahúra (-úda) ang ímo ginikánan. Love and respect your parents, (higúgma, higugmaón; táhud, tahúron, tahúdon).
2.) The passive negative past. Walâ níya pagbuháta iní. He did not do this. Walâ ni la pagtumána ang íla katungdánan. They have not fulfilled their duties, (túman, tumánon).
3.) The passive negative present. Sa karón walâ na níya pagaúmha iníng bánglid. He now no longer tills this slope, (umá, úmhon). Tungúd sang kadamuón sang íla mga páhò, walâ na níla pagaisípa, kóndì ginosokób na lang sa pasungán. Owing to the great quantity of their mangoes they no longer count them, but measure them by the bushel. (ísip, isípon). Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagapatindogá ang halígi? Why are you not setting up the post? (pa, tíndog, tindogón).
Dim. and Freq. of ábak, To follow in succession one thing close upon other, chase each other, come one behind the other. Abáw, nagaalabák-abák gid lámang ang mga nagasalákà. Why, visitors are coming up one behind the other (in great numbers). Nagaabák-abák gid karón ang íla mga kalisúd. At present their difficulties are following one upon another or their troubles overtake one another, (see abútabút).
An expression of joy, surprise, astonishment, admiration, sorrow, grief and pain. Oh! Ah! Alas! Hurrah! Abáo, katahúm siní nga daw lángit! Ah, how beautiful! How like heaven! Abáo nga pagkamakaloló-oy sang ákon karón nga kahimtángan! Oh the wretchedness of my present condition! May dakû nga súnug kahápon sa Ilóngílong kag madámù nga mga baláy nga dalágkù ang nagabó.-Abáo! There was a great fire yesterday in Iloilo and many large buildings were burned to ashes.-Oh, really! Ah, this is a terrible news! (see abá).
(B) Width, breadth, to widen, broaden, to make wide or wider. Sádto ánay makitíd ang dálan, karón nagáblang na. Formerly the road was narrow, now it has widened. Gináblang níla ang plása. They widened the public square. Ginpaáblang níla ang plása. They have had the public square widened. Sogóa ang pánday nga ablangón níya ang lamísa. Order the carpenter to make the table wider. Naablangán akó siníng takúd. This shutter (door, etc.) is too broad for me, or appears to me to be very broad or too broad. (see lápad).
(B) Affability, friendliness; sociability; to be or become affable; friendly, sociable. Nagáblaw siá karón. He has become affable or sociable now. Naablawán akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very friendly. Ipakilála ko sa ímo si Fuláno, kay sa waláy duhádúha paga-*ablawán ka gid sa íya. I will introduce N.N. to you, for without doubt you will find him very sociable, agreeable, affable. (see búgno, mabinugnóhon, kaáblaw, kaabláwan, mainabláwon, etc.).
On the windward side, not under the lee, open or exposed to the wind; to be or become exposed to the wind, etc. Ang ákon hulút ábong sa amíhan. My room is open to the north wind. Ginaabóngan sang habágat ang ámon kalán-an. Our refectory or dining-room is exposed to the south wind. Sádto ánay nalípdan sang kawáyan ang ákon kwárto, ápang karón, kay natapás na ang kawáyan, nagábong sa hángin. Formerly my room was sheltered behind bamboos, but now that the bamboos are cut down, it has become exposed to the wind, (see ámbi-open to the rain; abansáda).
(Sp. abundar, abundante) Abundant, plentiful, amply sufficient, more than enough, enough and to spare, abounding; to abound, be abundant, etc. Abúnda na or nagaabúnda na ang humáy. There is plenty of rice now. Naabundahán na kitá sang áton pangabúhì. We have now plenty to live upon. Maíwat karón ang ísdà, ápang magaabúnda man liwán kunína. Fish is now scarce, but it will be plentiful again. (see bugánà, dagáyà, dagásà, óya, úya).
To arrive, come to, reach, to appear on the scene. Sán-o pa ikáw magabút? When did you arrive? Sán-o ikáw magaabút? When will you come? Abutan ko ikáw karón sa ímo balay. I will come to see you presently at your home. Inabután siá sing dakû nga kahádluk. Great fear came over him. Anó ang ginapaabút mo? What are you waiting for? Paabutón ta pa ang koríyo kag ugáling magpaúlì. Let us wait for the mail to come in and then go home. Maglakát ka na sing madásig, agúd makaabút pa ikáw dídto sa napát-ud nga táknà. Now, walk quickly, that you may reach there at the appointed hour.
To reach, come up with, overtake, catch up with. Abúton ko ikáw karón. I shall soon overtake you. Dalágan ka, agúd dílì ka maábut kag sungáyon sang karabáw nga simarón. Run, lest the wild buffalo should catch and toss you. Básì maábut mo pa siá sa dálan. Possibly you may overtake him yet on the road. Nagabút gid siá, ápang walâ makaábut sang misa. He arrived, indeed, but too late for hearing Mass. (Literally: "----, but he could not reach Mass).
To invite, to ask or request one's presence. Agdahá siá. Invite him. Ginágda mo na ang tanán mo nga mga ábyan? Have you invited all your friends? Ang áton piésta pagaagdahán ko sing madámù nga mga Párì. I shall invite many priests to assist at our feast. I shall request the presence of many priests at our feast. Ari na ang mga inágda. The invited guests are now here. Nalipatán níya sa pagágda sánday Pedro. Paagdahón ko siá sa íla or ipaágda ko silá sa íya. He forgot to invite Peter and his friends or Peter and his family. I'll make him invite them. Padálhan ko siá kuntánì sing sulát nga iágda ko sa íya, ápang walâ gánì akó kasáyod kon diín siá nagapuyô karón. I should like to send him a letter of invitation, but I do not know where he is staying at present. (see abiár, hágad, kángay, )
Newly harvested rice. Karón may áhao na nga ginatíg-ang. There is new rice now being cooked or there is now new rice to cook. Ang áhao dílì maúkad. New rice does not swell much (when boiled).
To do something prematurely, before the regular or proper time or even against one's inclination. Ahatá lang ang pagpópò sang páhò. Pluck the mango, even though it is not yet quite ripe. Ginaahát níla ang ságing nga línghod. They are eating unripe bananas. Ahatón mo ang buót mo sa paglakát, bisan índì ka malúyag. Make up your mind to go, although you do not like to. Masakít karón ang íya solóksolók, kay man gin-*ahát níya ang mga sirig-wélas nga hiláw. Of course he has stomach-ache, he has eaten green plums.
To sell well, be much in demand, be much sought after. Nagáka karón sa Ilongílong ang páhò, ságing, ísdà kag manók. At present mangoes, bananas, fish and chickens are much in demand in Iloilo. Sang túig nga tinalíkdan maíwat ang pamaligyáon sang sibúkaw, ápang nián nagáka na. Last year the market for sibúkaw-wood was dull, stagnant, but now it is much in demand. (see maáka, kaáka, mabákal, bákal, ágaw, dásà).
(H) Knowledge, wisdom, learning; to be or become wise, learned, to know. Walâ siá sing álam. He has no learning, has had no education. Pisáni ang pagtoón mo, agúd magálam ka. Study with application, that you may become learned or well educated. Sádto ánay walâ siá sing tinón-an, ápang karón nagálam na gid siá. Formerly he had no schooling, but now he is quite learned. Indì kamó manúgid sa íya sinâ, kay maaláman man níya sa olíhi. Don't tell him that now, for he will get to know it later on all the same. Paalámi siá. Tell him or warn him beforehand. Anó ang ímo naaláman? What do you know? What have you learned? Ginpaaláman níya kamí nga dáan nga maabút ang manugusísà sa amó nga ádlaw. We were warned by him long before, that the inspector would come on such a day. Ipaálam sa íya nga nagubâ ang táytay. Send him word that the bridge is broken down. (see kaálam, maálam, kinaálam, kinaádman, máan).
Hardship, trial, difficulty; hard, trying, difficult; to be or become hard, etc. Alapígot karón ang pangabúhì Life at present is trying, (see lapígot id. and the more usual form).
Gay, sprightly, cheerful, cheery, merry, good-humoured; to be or become gay, etc. Alikáya nga nawóng. A gay expression. Sádto ánay masubô siá, ápang karón nagalikáya na siá. Formerly he used to be sad, but now he is cheerful. Naalikayáhan akó sang íya pangguyáhon. His face impressed me with its cheeriness. (see nayánáya, manayánáya).
A little deaf, hard of hearing; to be a little deaf, have one's sense of hearing slightly impaired. Alingágngag siá. He is slightly deaf. Sang isá ka simána maánting pa siá, ápang karón nagalingágngag na. A week ago he could still hear well, but now he is a little deaf. Sán-o pa ikáw magalingágngag? When did you have your sense of hearing impaired? Ginaalingagngagán akó sa íya. He seems to me to be slightly deaf.
Full, complete (of payment); well done, thorough, perfect, faultless (of work); full, of the best, of a high order (of crops, etc.); to be or perform well, to become or make blameless, etc. Ang humáy nga pinatubás ko sang isá ka túig alogás-gas gid, ápang ang pinatubás ko sa karón nga túig támà kaupahón. The rice I harvested last year was splendid, but the one I harvested this year is full of blighted ears. Abáw alogás-gas gid ang ginbáyad ko sang ginbalígyà mo sa ákon kag karón ang ákon ibalígyà angkatón mo lang! Just think of it, I paid you cash in full for what you sold me and now you would like to get on mere credit what I have to sell to you! Maáyo gánì kon siá ang magapatíndog sang baláy, kay alogás-gas siá sing pangóbra. It is well, indeed, if he builds the house, for he is thorough in his work. Kon alogas-gasón ang ínyo trabáho, alogas-gasón ko man ang igasóhol ko sa ínyo. If you perform your work well, I, on my part, will pay you a generous wage. Ginalogas-gasán ko siá sa pagbáyad. I paid him cash in full.
Liberality, munificence, generosity, open-handedness, bounty, bounteousness; to be or become generous, liberal, open-handed, munificent, bounteous, bountiful, free. Maímot (maínot) siá sádto ánay, ápang karón nagálwan na. He used to be stingy, but now he is quite generous.