Search result(s) - karón



To extend, abound, prolong, last long, spread over a long time or large district. Nagdátà kahápon ang ámon sugilánon dídto sa íla baláy. Our conversation yesterday at their house lasted a long time. Nagadátà karón ang pagdinayaáy sa pagpiniliáy. Nowadays cheating is very common at elections.



(B) Now, already. (see na, ron, karón).



(H) Dim. and Freq. of dúgay. Presently, shortly, within a short time or while; at short intervals, almost continuously, very often. Dugáydugáy karón maabút ang koríyo. The mail will be in shortly now. Dugáydugáy pa lang nga nalúmbus siá. He left only a short while ago. Ang dugáydugáy nga pangákig dílì maáyo sa láwas. To be very often excited by anger is not conducive to health (is not a good for the health). Duláon mo ang maláut nga batásan sang dugáydugáy nga pagkahubúg. Try to rid yourself of the bad habit of getting drunk so frequently. (see dúgay, dugáydúgay, buháybuháy).



Doubt, indecision, wavering, vacillation, hesitation; to doubt, hesitate, waver, be undecided, be in a dilemma,-a quandary,-suspense, to vacillate, to question. Sa walâ sing duhádúha --. Doubtless, without doubt --. Indì ka magduhádúha siní. Have no doubt about this, be sure of this. Anó pa ang ginaduhádúha mo? What are you still hesitating, vacillating, doubting about? Why are you still wavering? Anó ang ginaduháduháan mo? What is it you are doubtful of or undecided about? Seguróha gid ang ímo hunâhúnà, índì mo pagduháduháon. Be firmly convinced, don't permit any doubts to enter your mind. Walâ na nákon pagaduháduhái ang íya sinâ nga kamatuóran, ápang nagaduhádúha pa akó kon mabúut balá ukón índì ang pagpasilabút sa amó nga mga butáng. I do not any longer doubt the truth of it, but I am still undecided as to whether it is prudent or not to interfere in such things. Duhádúha na gid kon maabút pa siá karón, kay gáb-i na. It is very doubtful whether he will come now that it is dark.



To think, remember, recollect, bear in mind, recall, cogitate, reflect, consider, reason, ponder, muse, take into consideration, bethink oneself, bring or call to mind, collect one's thoughts, revolve in the mind. Dumdumá inâ. Remember that. Indì ka kadúmdum sinâ? Can you not recollect that? Don't you remember that? Idúmdum akó sang ákon mga manók karón sa hápon, kay akó walâ dirí. Kindly think of my chickens this evening, for I shall not be here. Ipadúmdum mo sa íya ang íya ginsilíng. Remind him of what he said. Nadumdumán ko karón --. I recollect now --. Padumdumá siá sang íya nga tinúg-an. Put him in mind of his promise. Recall to him his promise. Walâ akó kadúmdum siní. I did not think of it. Nagdúmdum akó, nga índì ka na gid magabút. I thought you would never come again. (see hunâhúnà).



A skin disease, a kind of eczema or herpes attacking large parts of the skin and spreading rapidly. Also used as a verb. May dúnggas siá-or-ginadúnggas siá-or-ginadunggasán siá. He has the skin-disease "dúnggas". Sang túig nga tinalíkdan dinunggasán ang íya bátà sang dídto siá sa umá, ápang karón maáyo na siá. Last year his child had the skin-disease "dúnggas", when he was staying at his farm, but now it is well again. Indì ka magságad óbog sa mahígkò nga mga danáw kay básì dunggasón ikáw. Don't wade through dirty mud-puddles, for you may get the skin-disease "dúnggas". (In the "dúnggas" the pustules, eruptions and excoriations are thickly spread over considerable portions of the skin and so near together that there is scarcely a healthy spot left between them. The head, cheeks and chin, especially of children, seem to be most liable to contract "dúnggas"). (see dukót).



(Sp. empezar) To begin, commence, start, initiate, enter upon. Empesahí na ang ímo trabáho. Start your work. Nagempesár na kamó sang pagtánum? Have you started planting rice yet? Dúgay na nga íya ginempesahán sing trabáho ang íya bág-o nga baláy, ápang túbtub karón walâ níya matápus. He commenced work on his new house a long time ago, but up till now he has not been able to finish it. (see umpisá, súgud, pamúnò).



(Sp. empezar) To begin, commence, start, initiate, enter upon. Empesahí na ang ímo trabáho. Start your work. Nagempesár na kamó sang pagtánum? Have you started planting rice yet? Dúgay na nga íya ginempesahán sing trabáho ang íya bág-o nga baláy, ápang túbtub karón walâ níya matápus. He commenced work on his new house a long time ago, but up till now he has not been able to finish it. (see umpisá, súgud, pamúnò).



But, still, yet, though, notwithstanding. Ginpaabút ko siá karón, gái walâ man siá makaabút. I expected him at this time, but he has not turned up. (see ibágo, igái, ugái).



Sign, mark, indication, token, presage, prognostic, omen. Walâ sing gándo ang kalibútan nga magaulán karón. There is no indication that it is going to rain presently. Walâ man siá sing gándo nga mapamanílà. There is no sign that he is going to Manila. (see aníno, tándà, timáan, gáman, túyò, pát-in).



Somewhat, rather, middling, considering, mediocre, passable, tolerable, not very much or excellent, but still somehow satisfactory under the circumstances. Komústa ka man karón?-Maáyo na akó gáwa. How are you now?-I am pretty well. Maáyo na man ang ímo palatikángan?-A, dílì maáyo gid, ápang, húo, maáyo na gáwa. Is your business running very well now?-Oh, no, not very well, but, yes, passably well. Malápad gáwa ang ímo umá. Your field is rather wide. Madámù gáwa ang nagtalámbong. A rather large crowd attended. (see bolobáyhon).



From, out of, derived from, originating from, resulting or proceeding from; to come, result, be derived from. Gíkan sa katámad nagímol siá. Through laziness he became poor. Silá nga duhá naggíkan sa amó nga panimaláy. Both of them came from the same stock or family. Anó ang ímo nga gingikánan (ginagikánan)? What stock or family do you come from? (what is your origin?) Kon sa karón nga mga tinúig madámù nga mga pamatán-on maláut sing pamatásan, nagagíkan inâ sa íla nga pagtuón sa mga buluthóan nga walâ sing pagtóo. If many young people nowadays misconduct themselves it is due to the fact that they are attending godless schools. Nabáton ko ang isá ka balítà gíkan sa Manílà. I have received news from Manila. (see halín, humalín).



Sultriness, closeness, stuffiness (of heat and air); to be or become close, sultry, etc. Naggín-ot karón ang ádlaw. The day has turned sultry. Nagin-otán kamí dídto sa punsyón, kay gutúk. We were in a close atmosphere there at the social gathering, because it was too crowded. Kon mamiésta ka sa bánwa pagagin-otán gid ikáw, kay madámù nga mga táo ang magatámbong sa mísa. If you assist at the Feast in the town you will certainly feel the close heat, as many people will go to hear Mass. Sa búlan sa Máyo magagín-ot gid ang tiémpo. In the month of May it certainly will be very hot. (see bóhot).



To grasp and tear out grass, hairs or the like, pull-, pluck-, weed-, out. A, karón gurabónon ko ang bohók mo. Ah, now I'll tear your hair out. Gingurábon níla ang hilamón sa hardín. They pulled up the grass in the garden. Gurabóni siá sing bohók. Pluck out a few of his hairs. Igurábon akó siníng mga gámhon. Please pull up these weeds for me. Ipagurábon sa mga bátà ang dalúkut. Let the boys weed out the dalukut-grass. (see guráput).



To seize-, grasp-, take-, grab-, much of, be eager to get, scramble or make for, make a run at, struggle to obtain, rush upon. Ginhábwà lang níla ang kárne sa ilihawán, ang humáy sa alányan, etc. They rushed upon the meat at the butcher's, upon the rice in the harvest-field, etc. Indì kamó maghábwà sang tinápay-or-índì nínyo paghabwaón ang tinápay. Don't make such a scramble for the bread. Diín siá nakahábwà sing pílak kay manggaránon siá karón? Where did he pick up the money, for he is rich now? (see káka, kúhà, ágaw, típon, karipón).



Fruitful, plentiful, fertile; happy, felicitous, blessed. Hamungáyà nga túig, kaorasón, kahimtángan, etc. A happy year, a blessed hour, a prosperous position or condition of life, etc. Nahamungayáan silá karón sa íla pangabúhì. At present they are living quite happily. (see kahamungayáan, mahamungayáon).



Brittle, crumbly, fragile, friable; to be or become brittle, etc. Ang humáy nga mabasâ kon tumpihón magaháp-og. Wet rice, if collected into a heap (stack), will get brittle. Sang túig nga tinalíkdan háp-og gid ang ímo humáy; índì mo pagpahap-ogón sa karón nga túig. Last year your rice was very brittle; don't let it become brittle this year. (see tapók, matapúk).



Afternoon, after dinner, evening, nightfall, eventide, decline or close of day; to be or turn evening, etc. Karón sa hápon. This afternoon or evening. Pahúway lang kamó ánay, ápang kon maghápon na dayónon nínyo ang pagdáro. Take a rest now, but when it gets towards evening continue your ploughing. (N.B. Hápon includes all the time between noon and sunset or the ringing of the Angelus-bell; after the Angelus has been rung "gáb-i" starts). (see kahápon-yesterday).



King, potentate, monarch, liege lord, suzerain, sovereign, ruler, royalty; to be a king, to rule, reign, hold sway, govern, domineer. Sín-o ang nagahárì sa ínyo? Who is your King? Who rules over you? Ginharían silá sádto ni N.N., ápang karón ginaharían silá sang íya anák. Formerly they were governed by King N.N., but their present King is N.N.'s son. Paharía siá sa karnabál. Make him King of the carnival. Haríi kamí sa piésta. Be our King for the Feast-day. (see ginharían-kingdom; hárà-queen).



To divine, guess, surmise, assume, presume, suppose. Ginahát-om ko nga magaulán karón sa hápon. I think it will rain this afternoon. (see máy-om, sát-um, pakót, hangúp, lágpat).

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