Search result(s) - karón



(B) Difficult, trying, miserable, wretched (of times, conditions, life, etc.). Sarót gid ang pangabúhì sa karón nga túig. Life this year is very hard or difficult. (see huyúthúyut, salút, buísit, lapígot).



Fault, error, fallacy, slip, miss, blunder, oversight, trip, stumble, misconception, misapprehension, misunderstanding, mistake; to commit a fault, to error, make a mistake, be mistaken, be in the wrong, be in error, to do wrong. Walâ siá sing sayúp. He is not at fault. It is not his fault. He is not to blame. Nakasayúp ka karón, índì ka magliwán. You made a mistake this time; don't do it again. Nasáypan (nasayupán) níya ang pagmítlang sang ininglés. He made a mistake in English pronunciation. Pasaylohá lang kon anó ang ákon nga nasáypan. Pardon whatever mistakes I may have made,-all the faults I have committed. (see salâ, tálang, pakasalâ, masinaláypon, kasáypan).



To blow, said of wind, etc. Nagasíbwa karón ang amíhan. At present the north-wind (northwind) is blowing. Ginasibwahán kitá dirí sang habágat. Here the south-wind (southwind) is fanning us. (see húyup, huyúp).



A stitch or pain in the back, rheumatism of the back; to cause pain in the back. Ginasíkmat akó karón. I have a pain in my back. Siníkmat siá kaína. A while ago he had a pain in his back.



(H) Gen. and Acc. of iní-this. For the Dat. and Ablat. "sa" is usually placed before it. Sín-o ang naghímo siní? Who has done this? Iníng kálò íya siní nga (siníng) táo. This hat belongs to this man. Sa súbung (subúng) siní--. At this time--. Now at once--. Immediately--. Sa siní nga kahimtángan ko malisúd ang ákon pangabúhì. In this condition (Under these circumstances) my life is hard. Sa tigaláni siní nga túig--. At the (rice) harvest of this current year--. Nasápwan siníng karón nga--. Lately it was discovered (found out) that--. May kabuangón pa nga maglabí siní kadakû? Is there any folly greater than this? Siní (Sa siní) nga paági--. In this way--. By such means-. Sang isá siníng naglilígad nga mga ádlaw--. One of these last days--. (see kará, kadiá).



(Sp. subasta) Auction; to auction, sell by auction, put up for auction, bring under the hammer. Subásta públika. Public auction. Ginasubásta karón ang íya dútà. His lands are being sold by auction (brought under the hammer). Subastahá lang ang íya karabáw, agúd mabayáran ka. Just sell his buffalo by auction that you may get your payment. (see balígyà, pamútong).



(B) In time to come, in the future, later, after some time. Subón patindogón ko ang sángka baláy nga bág-o. (Sa olíhi patindogón ko ang isá ka baláy nga bág-o). After some time I shall have a new house built. Sa tulád kadyá índì pa, pay subón hóod mapamanílà akó. (Sa karón índì pa, ápang sa olíhi húo mapamanílà akó). Not just at present, but later on, yes, I shall go to Manila. Subón (Sa olíhi, kunína) báklan ta ikáw ti kálò nga madálig (sing matahúm nga kálò). Later on I shall buy you a beautiful hat. (see olíhi, kunína, palaabúton, ogáling).



(H) Conversation, talk, chat; to chat, have a conversation, talk to each other. Nakakitaáy kamí ni Fuláno, ápang walâ kamí magsugilanonáy. N.N. and myself saw each other, but we did not talk to each other. Anó na man ang íla ginasugilánon dirâ? What are they talking about there again? Ang buút náton pagasugilanónan karón amó ang bág-o nga pagbulút-an--. What we wish to talk over amongst ourselves is the new law--. (see hambárò, hambalánon, odóyódoy).



Plenty, galore, abundant, excessive, exorbitant, too much, very much. Súkò kadagáyà karón ang mga páhò. Mangoes at present are plentiful. Súkò kamahál karón ang (sang) bilí sang ísdà. The price of fish is exorbitant now. (see lakás, támà, masyádo, lám-ag, dúro).



To be very busy, occupied, etc; having much to do. Nagasulubakô kamí karón sang (pag) áni. At present we are very busy gathering in the rice. (see sákò, dúlup, dánghos).



See sulubakô. Surubakô (Nagasurubakô) kamí tulád kadyá kang áni (pagáni). (Nagasákò (nagasinákò) kami karón sang áni (pagáni)). At present we are kept very busy with the rice harvest.



Assistance, succour, help, aid, relief, rescue, ministry, ministration, helping hand; to assist, succour, to aid, relieve, rescue, help. Sín-o ang magatábang sa áton mga kalisdánan? Who will help us in our difficulties or distress? Tabángi siá. Succour him. Mangítà kitá sing itábang sa áton. Let us look for help or assistance. O Diós ko, tabángi akó. Oh my God, help me. N.B. "tábang" at times also means: to save one's life, rescue from death, but in that case the accent of the passive voice is on the last syllable. Sugúng gid ang íya pagbátì nga sa karón ginatabangán pa gánì. He is very seriously ill and just at present they are trying to save him from death. Napatáy siá nga walâ na matabangí. He died and there was no possibility of saving his life. Indì na siá matabangán. He cannot be rescued from death now. His death cannot now be prevented. He (His life) is past recovery (saving). (see búlig).



A prefix denoting;

1) Origin or source, e.g. tagamanílà- native of Manila; tagabáybay-one who lives near the coast (beach); tagabúkid-a native or inhabitant of the mountains, a mountaineer. Tagadiín ikáw? Where do you come from? Where were you born? Where do you live? What place do you belong to?

2) Attached to words indicating parts of the body taga- denotes the height or depth as measured by that part of the body, e.g. tagatúhud-up to the knees, knee-deep; tagalápaw--more than man-deep, rising above the head of a man. Tagaháwak karón ang túbig sang subâ. The water of the river is waist-deep at present. Tagaílok ang túbig sang pagtabók námon. When we crossed the water came to our armpits.



Very warm or hot, burning, torrid, white (of heat), scorching (of the heat of the sun, etc.); to be extremely hot, etc. Tagíngting (Nagatagíngting) ang ádlaw karón. The sun is now very hot. (see tagítì, salíit, síngkal, ínit).

tagítì, tagîtî


Excessively hot, extremely warm, incandescent, white-hot, at a white heat; very white, bright, clean. Nagatagítì karón ang ínit. The heat of the sun is very great at present. It is very hot at present. Nagatagítì gid yanáng mga panápton nga linátag. Those bleached clothes look very white. (see salíit, tagíngting, putî, lágtì, síngkal).



To fall, pour down (said especially of a heavy rain). Nagatalibóbò gid lang karón ang ulán. At present the rain is pouring down in streams. (see bóbò).



(H) Small-, fine-, light-rain, mizzle, drizzle; to mizzle, drizzle, rain in small (fine, light) drops. Nagulán kaína, húo, ápang talíthi gid lámang. It rained a while ago, yes, but only a few drops. Nagatalíthi. It's drizzling. Ginahilántan siá karón, kay natalithihán siá kahápon kag napásmo. He has a catarrh now, because yesterday he was exposed to a slight rain and caught a cold. (see taríthi, dabódabó, apókapók).



(Sp. tasar) To appraise, value, estimate, charge, tax. Tasarí siá kon pilá ang bilí siní. Make him an estimate of the price of it. Let him know the cost of it. Gintasarán akó níya sing limá ka mángmang siníng delárgo. He charged me five pesos for this pair of trousers. Gintasár níla ang (Gintasarán níla siá sang) íya bág-o nga baláy kag kútub karón pabayáron siá sing buhís nga tátlo ka písos ang túig. They have appraised his new house and henceforth he must pay for it a yearly tax of three pesos. (see bilí, pabilí).



To proclaim, publish, make public (as the banns of a marriage, etc.). Ginatáwag silá karón. They are being proclaimed now. Tawágon kamó sa tátlo ka domíngo. You will have your banns published on three Sundays. Sán-o matápus ang pagtáwag sa ínyo? When will your banns be published for the last time? (see láwag, bantálà).



(H) Clearness, limpidness, serenity; to be or become clear, bright, limpid, transparent, pellucid, pure, fair, serene; to be or become distinct, easy to understand, manifest, evident. Kaína malubúg pa ang túbig sang subâ, karón nagtín-aw na. Some time ago the water in the river was turbid still, now it has become clear. Tinloán mo ang kátyà sing maáyo, agúd magtín-aw. Clean the glass well so that it may be bright (transparent, pellucid). Ginpatín-aw níya ang íya katarúngan. He made his argument clear. Matín-aw nga túbig. Clear (pure, limpid) water. Nagtín-aw na ang lángit nga walâ na sing mga gál-um. The sky is now serene; all the clouds have disappeared. (see sínaw, sinág, áthag, háwan, tínlò).

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