Search result(s) - kunína



After some time, later on, in the future. Ang mga kabatáan karón amó ang mga manugdumála sang bánwa kunína. The children of the present will be the leaders of to-morrow-or-of the future.



(Sp. abundar, abundante) Abundant, plentiful, amply sufficient, more than enough, enough and to spare, abounding; to abound, be abundant, etc. Abúnda na or nagaabúnda na ang humáy. There is plenty of rice now. Naabundahán na kitá sang áton pangabúhì. We have now plenty to live upon. Maíwat karón ang ísdà, ápang magaabúnda man liwán kunína. Fish is now scarce, but it will be plentiful again. (see bugánà, dagáyà, dagásà, óya, úya).



To obtain, reach, enjoy the possession of, gain, get, acquire, reap. Ang mga matárung magaágum or magahiágum kunína sang himáyà sa lángit. The just will finally enjoy the glory of heaven. Pagaagúman ko gid ang búnga sang ákon ginkabudlayán. I shall surely reap the fruit of my labours. Ipaágum mo sa íya ang ígò nga bálus. Grant him a fitting reward. Paagúma siá sang ímo kamót. Let him feel your hand i.e. strike, box, slap, hit him. Inagúman na níya ang íya nga ginhándum sang madámù nga mga túig. He has now reached the goal desired for many years. (see dángat, ángkon).



Change, barter, exchange; to change, exchange, interchange, barter, swap. Ginbailohán níya ang íya karabáw sang báka ni Fuláno. He exchanged his buffalo for N.N.'s cow. Ibáilo akó ánay siníng lápis sa lápis ni Fuláno. Kindly exchange this pencil for N.N's pencil. Ibáilo ko iníng lápis sa plúma ni Fuláno. I will exchange this pencil for N.N.'s pen. Bailohá ang duhá ka kabáyo sa karwáhe. Change the places of the two horses on the carriage i.e. put the near horse on the off side. Bailohí iníng duhá ka púlò ka mángmang nga papél. Give me change for this twenty peso note. Ang tanán nga mga kahuól kag kasubô sang mga matárung mabáilo kunína sa kalípay kag himáyà. All the trials and sorrows of the just will later on be changed into joy and glory. (see báylo).



To cut or scratch with a sharp bamboo, with a splinter, or the like; to mete out punishment, chastise, requite, punish, castigate (of Divine Providence); retribution, divine punishment, requital, chastisement, castigation, divine vengeance or justice. Anó ang nakagábà sa ímo?-Ginábà akó sang kawáyan. What gave you this scratch?-I was scratched by a bamboo. Nagábà ang ákon kamót sang biníal nga káhoy. My hand was cut by a piece of split wood. Indì kamó magbúhat sinâ, kay básì magabáan kamó. Don't do that, for you may receive divine retribution. Sa waláy duhádúha ang Mahál nga Diós magagábà sa íla kunína. Doubtless God will mete out to them later on a fitting punishment. Ang mga Hudíyo gingabáan sang dugô sang Aton Ginúo. The Jews had the blood of Our Lord visited on them. Sa madalî úkon sa madúgay magaabút gid sa tanán nga mga makasasálà ang gábà sang Diós. Sooner or later all sinners will meet with a condign punishment from God. (see báklis, kastígo, bálus, sípat).



Exactness, preciseness, precision, accurateness, accuracy, correctness, attention to detail; to be careful, exact, heedful, accurate, precise, correct, conscientious, particular, attentive to details. Walâ siá sing kaíd-id sa íya mga buluhatón. She does not exercise any care in the performance of her duties. Id-idón mo ang ímo mga búhat, kay sudyaón ka gid kunína. Be careful in your work, for you will certainly be called to account later on. Nagaíd-id siá sang íya bág-o nga galamitón. She is very careful with her new furniture. Iníng maéstra nagaíd-id gid sang íya kláse. This teacher is very painstaking in giving class. (see písan, húgud, úkud, túl-id).



Exactness, preciseness, precision, accurateness, accuracy, correctness, attention to detail; to be careful, exact, heedful, accurate, precise, correct, conscientious, particular, attentive to details. Walâ siá sing kaíd-id sa íya mga buluhatón. She does not exercise any care in the performance of her duties. Id-idón mo ang ímo mga búhat, kay sudyaón ka gid kunína. Be careful in your work, for you will certainly be called to account later on. Nagaíd-id siá sang íya bág-o nga galamitón. She is very careful with her new furniture. Iníng maéstra nagaíd-id gid sang íya kláse. This teacher is very painstaking in giving class. (see písan, húgud, úkud, túl-id).



A short while ago, some time since, a moment or a few hours ago (within the same day); formerly, previously. Kaína sang ága--. This morning--. Kaína lang siníng hápon naghalín siá. He left this afternoon. (see kunína-after some time).



To be or become bad, worsen, deteriorate, degenerate; to be or become sick, ill, to faint, swoon. Nagláin ang íya batásan. His behaviour has changed for the worse. His character (habits) has (have) degenerated. Nagláin ang íya ginháwa. He swooned, had a fainting fit, lost consciousness, his condition has become serious, or the like. Ang nalaínan sang ákon buút amó--. What-grieves me,-I find fault with, is--. Magaláin inâ kunína. It will turn out bad in the end. Sing makadámù ang mga talapuánan nga maáyo sing kamunóan nagaláin sa katapúsan. Often societies that start well have a bad ending. Indì pagigkaláin sang ímo buút kon--. Don't take it ill (amiss), if--. (see láut).



A contr. that often stands for magapangin-, magpangin-and (rarely) for nagapangin-. Indì ka mangintigúlang, kon índì nímo pagduláon ang maláut mo nga kaduyugán. You won't grow old, unless you give up your bad habits. Iníng dakû nga minurô manginbánwa kunína. This large village will finally become a township or Municipality. Sa dílì madúgay manginkabangdánan iní sang íya nga pagkapúto. This, before long, will be the cause of his bankruptcy, will make him bankrupt. N.B. Mangin-is also, but seldom, used to form nouns and adjectives, e.g. manginalámon-a wise man. (see nangin-).



(H) To open (the eyes). Muklatá ang ímo mga matá. Open your eyes. Muklatí siá sang ímo mga matá. Look at him with open eyes. Mamúklat gid kunína ang íla mga matá. After some time they will have their eyes opened i.e. they will understand.



A prefix expressing mostly the idea of becoming, or being changed into, what the root implies. For magapangin-and magpangin-"mangin-is often used and for nagpangin-"nangin-". Pagpanginímol-to become poor. Nanginímol siá. He became poor. Iníng diótay nga tanúm manginkáhoy (magapanginkáhoy) kunína. This small plant will finally grow or develop into a tree. Indì ka na maginúm, kay manginhubúg ikáw. Don't drink any more, or you will become fuddled. Manginmatáy siá ánay sang sa magbúhat sinâ. He would rather die than do that. He prefers death to doing that. Nanginsúbung siá sa (sang)--. He became like--.



(B) In time to come, in the future, later, after some time. Subón patindogón ko ang sángka baláy nga bág-o. (Sa olíhi patindogón ko ang isá ka baláy nga bág-o). After some time I shall have a new house built. Sa tulád kadyá índì pa, pay subón hóod mapamanílà akó. (Sa karón índì pa, ápang sa olíhi húo mapamanílà akó). Not just at present, but later on, yes, I shall go to Manila. Subón (Sa olíhi, kunína) báklan ta ikáw ti kálò nga madálig (sing matahúm nga kálò). Later on I shall buy you a beautiful hat. (see olíhi, kunína, palaabúton, ogáling).



To examine into, investigate, exact an account, make answerable for. Pagasudyaón kunína sang Diós ang tanán nga mga ginbúhat sang táo. God will later on exact an account of all the deeds that a man has done. (see súkmà, súknà).



To open a little or partially a book, curtain, package, the mouth, etc. so as to be able to see what is inside or behind the cover; to disclose, discover, invent. Tukibá ang pinutús, agúd makítà ko kon anó ang sulúd. Open the parcel a little so that I may see what is inside. Ipitá (Ligpitá) ang atóp agúd índì matukíb sang hángin. Fasten the roof down so that the wind may not be able to lift it. Basáha iníng sulát, ápang tukibón mo gid lámang, agúd nga índì mabása sang ibán. Read this letter, but open it only a little so that the others may not be able to read it. Makatitingála ang mga natukibán (tinukibán) sang bág-o nga kinaálam. The discoveries or inventions of modern science are marvellous. Dílì náton masáyran kon anó pa balá ang matukibán sang mga manginalámon kunína. We do not know what scientists may discover yet in the future. (see sukíb, sukáb, tokáb, tukís, ukáb).