A verbal prefix. See mangin.
A contr. that often stands for magapangin-, magpangin-and (rarely) for nagapangin-. Indì ka mangintigúlang, kon índì nímo pagduláon ang maláut mo nga kaduyugán. You won't grow old, unless you give up your bad habits. Iníng dakû nga minurô manginbánwa kunína. This large village will finally become a township or Municipality. Sa dílì madúgay manginkabangdánan iní sang íya nga pagkapúto. This, before long, will be the cause of his bankruptcy, will make him bankrupt. N.B. Mangin-is also, but seldom, used to form nouns and adjectives, e.g. manginalámon-a wise man. (see nangin-).
A prefix expressing mostly the idea of becoming, or being changed into, what the root implies. For magapangin-and magpangin-"mangin-is often used and for nagpangin-"nangin-". Pagpanginímol-to become poor. Nanginímol siá. He became poor. Iníng diótay nga tanúm manginkáhoy (magapanginkáhoy) kunína. This small plant will finally grow or develop into a tree. Indì ka na maginúm, kay manginhubúg ikáw. Don't drink any more, or you will become fuddled. Manginmatáy siá ánay sang sa magbúhat sinâ. He would rather die than do that. He prefers death to doing that. Nanginsúbung siá sa (sang)--. He became like--.
Disturbance, row, riot, trouble, disorder, tumult, fracas, affray, melee, uproar, squabble, brawl, commotion; to cause a disturbance, etc., throw into confusion, take away peace or tranquillity. May gamú silá sa íla baláy. There is some disorder or commotion in their home. Indì kamó maggamú or magginamú dirí sa ámon. Don't disturb us here. Don't interrupt our peace or tranquillity. Ginámwan níya ang bánwa. He caused a commotion in town. Iníng duhá ka táo may dakû nga gamú. These two men are at loggerheads, are having a serious fight or quarrel between themselves. Pagámwa (pagamuhá) lang silá, kay walâ man sing pulús kon ímo silá husáyon, kay índì silá mamátì. Just let them fight it out, for it is of no use to try to mediate, as they won't listen to you. Anó ang nanginkabangdánan siníng gamú? What is the origin or cause of this riot? (see garók, gáhud, galúng, gúbat).
Slowness, retardation, a slow, tedious process. Ang pagkakúlang sang kasangkápan amó ang nanginkabangdánan sang kakánat sang íla pagpangabúdlay. Lack of tools was the cause of the slowness of their work. (see kánat).
Measure, standard, measurement, degree, dimension; coming up to the mark or standard, entitled to, deserving of, meriting, meet, worthy; to measure, take the measure of, survey. Gintakús níya ang ákon umá. He measured or surveyed my field. Nangintakús na siá sang amó nga palangakoán. He has become worthy of that position of power or office. Walâ siá sing ikatakús sa pagkapangúlo-bánwa. He has no capacity for-, does not measure up to-, the office of Municipal President. Táksa (takusá) ang kalabaón siníng kalát. Measure the length of this rope. Táksi akó sing limá ka dupá sináng alámbre. Measure out for me ten yards of that wire. Ipatakús mo ang ímo palangúmhan sa agrimensór. Have your farm surveyed by a land-surveyor. Takús siá sang tanán nga pagdáyaw. He is worthy of all praise. (see sókol, sokób, sángkol, ángay).
To support, guide, lead, take hold of another's arm and show him the way. Toytoyí ang lamón. Lead the blind man. Nangintóytoy níla siá. He became their support (guide, leader). (see agubáy; for guiding (in general), showing the way, pointing out the road, etc. túdlò ang gía (Sp. guiar) are more in use).