Search result(s) - tagítì



Heat, sun-heat, heat of the day, warmth, fervour; to become or make hot, fervid. Nagínit ang binángon sa ádlaw. The bolo became hot in the sun. Iníta ang túbig. Heat the water. Iníti ang manók sing túbig sa paghimúlbul. Boil some water to clean the chicken of its feathers. Iínit mo iníng kaláyo sa salsálon. Heat the iron in this fire. Ginakinahánglan sang áton láwas ang ínit sang sílak sang ádlaw. Our body needs the heat of sunlight-or-of the sun's rays. Nagántus siá sing alángay sang ínit kag ulán. He bore equally well sunshine and rain. Nagaínit ang íya láwas sa kaákig. He is waxing hot with anger. Iínit akó ánay siníng tinápay. Please warm this bread for me. (see tagítì, tagíngting, salíit, bóhot, gín-ot).



Heat, sun-heat, heat of the day, warmth, fervour; to become or make hot, fervid. Nagínit ang binángon sa ádlaw. The bolo became hot in the sun. Iníta ang túbig. Heat the water. Iníti ang manók sing túbig sa paghimúlbul. Boil some water to clean the chicken of its feathers. Iínit mo iníng kaláyo sa salsálon. Heat the iron in this fire. Ginakinahánglan sang áton láwas ang ínit sang sílak sang ádlaw. Our body needs the heat of sunlight-or-of the sun's rays. Nagántus siá sing alángay sang ínit kag ulán. He bore equally well sunshine and rain. Nagaínit ang íya láwas sa kaákig. He is waxing hot with anger. Iínit akó ánay siníng tinápay. Please warm this bread for me. (see tagítì, tagíngting, salíit, bóhot, gín-ot).



(H) Very hot, burning (of heat); glaring, very pronounced, prominent, visible from afar (of colours). (see tagítì, dagángdang, dagáang).



Great heat or passion, height of excitement; to be or become very hot, passionate, strong, excited or the like. Nagasíngkal na ang ádlaw. The sun is very hot. Nagsíngkal ang íya kaákig. His anger became red-hot. Nagasíngkal na ang íla pagilináway. They are fighting fiercely against each other. The battle is now at its height. Nasingkalán akó sang ínit. It was too hot for me. (see ínit, tagítì, bóhot, tagíngting, sindakál, salíit).



Very warm or hot, burning, torrid, white (of heat), scorching (of the heat of the sun, etc.); to be extremely hot, etc. Tagíngting (Nagatagíngting) ang ádlaw karón. The sun is now very hot. (see tagítì, salíit, síngkal, ínit).

tagítì, tagîtî


Excessively hot, extremely warm, incandescent, white-hot, at a white heat; very white, bright, clean. Nagatagítì karón ang ínit. The heat of the sun is very great at present. It is very hot at present. Nagatagítì gid yanáng mga panápton nga linátag. Those bleached clothes look very white. (see salíit, tagíngting, putî, lágtì, síngkal).