Search result(s) - karón



(Sp. a mano) Quits, square, paid in full, given into the hand; to settle, square, pay in full. Amáno na kitá. We are now square. Nakaamáno na akó. I have settled my debt. Naamanóhan ko na ikáw. I have now paid you in full. Iamáno ko karón sa ímo iníng duhá ka mángmang. I am now paying you the last two pesos of my debt. (see kábis, ímpas, túmbas).



To cost much, be expensive, costly, cause greater outlay as compared with something else. Maámbas ang áni sang sa gálab. Harvesting rice with the small rice-cutter called kayóg is more expensive than harvesting with the sickle. Sa súbung siní nga trabáho maámbas ang sóhol nga inádlaw sang sa pákiaw. For such work daily wages are more costly than a contract for the whole. Nagámbas ang gásto námon tungúd sang ápat ka bátà námon nga dídto sa koléhyo. Our expenses were greater on account of our four children at college. Naambasán silá sang gásto sa karón nga túig, kay naginilísílis lang silá sang minasakít. They had larger outlay this year, for they fell sick one after another. Iníng kláse sang paglútò maámbas. This kind of cooking is expensive. (see hákug).



(B) I don't know. Diín si tátay mo?-Ambáy kon diín siá karón. Where is your father?-I don't know where he is now. Also used as a verb. Indì ka magambáy kon pangkotón ikáw. Don't say "I don't know" when you are asked. (see ambót, máan, báy).



To get used to take proper food, to get a liking for, or to relish, proper food, applied especially to a baby or to a young animal just weaned. Sang úna iníng tínday nagdolodámgot (nagdolodánggot) lang sang hilamón, ápang karón nagánggot na sa halálbon. Formerly this calf used only to nibble at the grass, but now it is beginning to graze. Bisán lutasón na iníng bátà, kay maánggot na sa pagkáon sing kán-on. There is no harm now in weaning this baby, because it already likes to eat rice.



To be or become keen of hearing, to hear well. Bungúl siá sádto ánay, ápang karón nagánting na. He was deaf before, but now he hears well. Naantingán akó siníng táo. This man hears and understands me at once. (see kaánting, maánting).



(Sp. apenas) Trying, difficult; scarce; to be trying, etc. Apínas ang pangabúhì karón. Life at present is trying. Apínas ang kwárta. Money is scarce. Naapinásan akó gid sang kwárta sa karón nga túig. This year I am in great difficulties for lack of money. (see lapígot, íwat, kúlì, lisúd, hínà).



(B) Untidy, dirty, filthy, grimy, slovenly, slipshod; to be or become untidy, etc. Sádto maámbong siá, karón nagarát na or arát na siá. Formerly she used to be neat, now she is or has become slovenly. (see damák, sáprat, rísmò, rigám, hígkò, rígkam).



To eat anything and everything that comes one's way, not to be particular as regards food, to be omnivorous. Sang úna mapidâ siá, karón nagásab na. She used to be very particular about her food, now she is ready to eat anything. In a figurative sense, especially applied to women, it means to follow the manners of prostitutes, receiving and accepting anybody. (see maásab, kaásab).



Spaced, spread out, not joined, not united, not together, not close to each other; to be or become separate or segregated from one another, etc. Sádto maíkit ang mga baláy siníng báryo, karón nagaták-aták na. Formerly the houses in this village were close together, now they are widely spaced. Ginaták-aták níla ang mga baláy. They spread the houses out singly with considerable distances between them. Aták-aták gid lámang dirí ang mga páhò, dílì gid pinúnsok. Mango-trees here are to be met with only one here and there, not in groups. Maáyo gid ang pagpaaták-aták sang mga baláy nga kawáyan kag nípà, kay kon gutúk sa minurô kag may kaláyo maúmid silá nga tanán. Houses made of bamboo and thatched with nípà should be spaced far from one another, for if they are close together within a village and a fire breaks out they will all be involved (in the calamity). (see atád-atád, putá-putá, malakâ, isáísa).



That will appear or happen soon, the near future. Karón sa atubangón magapatíndog akó sing bág-o nga baláy. I am about to erect a new house.



(B) Toughness, hardness, tightness, immovability; to move with difficulty, to be hard-, difficult-, to deal with. Nagáwot na ang tinápay nga dáan. The stale bread has become hard. Gináwot níla ang súngsung sa botílya. They made the cork fit very tight in the bottle. Sang tingádlaw mahapús ang pagbukás siníng ganháan, ápang karón, kay tingulán na, nagáwot. In the dry season it was easy to open this door, but now in the rainy season it is difficult. Naawótan akó sa paggábut siníng lánsang. It was a hard job for me to draw out this nail. Ginawótan akó sináng táo sa pagpaháylosa íya. I had great difficulty in bringing that man over to my point of view. Iníng kárne maáwot. This meat is tough. (see tíg-a, húnit, hugút, paganót).



Scarce, rare, uncommon, seldom seen, seldom met with, hard to get; to be or become scarce, etc. Ayá-ay-or-nagaayá-ay ang ísdà sa karón nga túig. This year fish is scarce. (see íwat, hínà).



(B) To get on well in life, to prosper, make progress from a material point of view, to be well off. Nagaayádan 'ron si Fuláno. N.N. has got on well lately. Sa karón nga túig nagaayádan ang kahimtángan ni Fuláno. N.N. is better off this year. (see kaayohán, not to be confounded with kaayóhan-benefit, etc.).



Dim. of báis. To talk over, examine, discuss a question, etc. Sa karón ginabaísbaísan níla sa palatukán-pagbulút-an ang hágnà ni Fuláno. At present they are discussing in the legislative assembly N.N.'s proposition or motion. Sa walâ na sing pagbaísbáis ginpakamaáyo níla ang amó nga pagbulút-an. Without any further discussion they approved that law. (see suáy-súay).



Hill, mound, rise, hillock, down, any small eminence or elevation. Ang ákon karón nga pinamáhaw saráng makapabáklay sa ákon sa pitó ka bakólod. With the breakfast I have taken I can walk over seven hills. (see búkid-mountain; bánglid-slope).



(Sp. vacuna) Cowpox, vaccine virus; to vaccinate. Sín-o ang nagbakúna sa imo? Who vaccinated you? Ginabakunáhan karón ang mga kabatáan sa mga buluthóan, kay nagapamutí. The children at school are being vaccinated at present, for there is an epidemic of smallpox. Ipabakúna ang ímo mga anák sa manugbúlung, agúd índì malátnan sang butí. Get your children vaccinated by the doctor, lest they should be infected with smallpox. Kalití ang pagpabakúna, kay ang mga nabakunáhan tumalágsa gid lámang madunggoán sang butí. Get vaccinated in time, for those that are vaccinated are rarely attacked by smallpox. (see sibít, pasibít).



Out of pocket, without ready cash, short of cash for the present; to be or become short of cash, etc. Balasúbas or ginabalasúbas akó karón. At present I am out of pocket or I have no ready cash for the moment. Nabalasúbas akó, kay madámù ang ákon gingastohán. I ran short of cash, for I had to spend a great deal. Nagbalasúbas siá sa sugálan. He ran out of cash at the gambling table.



Stupid, dull, daft, simple, deranged, half-witted; to be or become stupid, etc. Balingá nga táo. A half-wit, one not quite right in his mind. Sádto maáyo man siá, ápang karón nagbalingá. Formerly he used to be quite normal, but now he has become deranged, half-witted. Nabalingahán akó sa íya. I got the impression that he was not quite normal. (see balingág, )



Not quite vertical, leaning-inclined, slanting; to lean a little, be inclined, etc. Kaína matádlung pa ang halígi, karón nagbalingíg na. A while ago the post was straight, now it has inclined a little. Pabalingigá ang halígi. Slant the post a little. (see hiláy, talingî, talingíg, tingíg).



(B) Stubborn, disobedient, unheeding, refractory, unruly, wilful, perverse, self-willed; to be or become stubborn, etc. Balít-ad nga táo, bátà, etc. A stubborn person, child, etc. Indì ka magbalít-ad. Don't be stubborn. Indì mo akó pagbalit-arán. Don't be stubborn with me. Iníng bátà maáyo sádto, ápang karón nagbalít-ad. This child used to be good before, but now it has become refractory or wilful. Indì ko siá pagbatónon, kay nabalit-arán akó sa íya. I will not receive him, for he is too unruly for me. (see batinggílan, , manínggol, kabalán).

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