Slovenly, dirty, untidy, slatternly, sluttish, bedraggled, draggletail; to become slovenly, etc. Sádto sang dalága pa siá mahípid siá kaáyo, ápang karón, kay kasáda na, nagdamák. Formerly, when she was single, she used to be very tidily dressed, but now that she is married, she has become a slattern. (see sáprat).
Rough, uncouth, unpolite, impolite, uncivil, unmannered, coarse, uncultured; mean, low, immodest, indecent, foul, obscene. Binástos nga hámbal, pangulús, pangabúdlay, etc. Unpolite talk, a very ordinary or inferior way of dressing, rough work, etc. Ang binástos níya nga batásan. His rude manners. Binástos gid ang íya nga ginngásal. He used very foul language. (see bástos, manól, barúbal, damák, sáprat, mahígkò, maláway).
(H) To be or become or make nice, trim, neat, tidy. Naghípid siá karón; sádto damák siá. She has become tidy now; formerly she used to be slovenly. Nahipídan akó sa íya. She appears to me to be very neat. Pahipída (-íra) siá. Make her observe the rules of tidiness-or-Try to make her tidy-or-Order her to dress tidily, etc.
Lying about in disorder, in confusion, higgledy-piggledy, badly arranged, slovenly; to leave things lying about in disorder, to be badly arranged, be slovenly, untidy, pell-mell. Indì kamó magpamutáltag sang mga galamitón dirí sa balatonán. Don't let the furniture in the reception room be scattered about (lie about in disorder). Ginpamutáltag níla ang íla kasangkápan sa salúg. They left their tools-lying in disorder on the floor,-strewn about the floor. Dílì mo pagpamutaltagón ang mga butáng sa sulúd sang hulút. Don't turn the things in the room topsy-turvy. (see dúm-ok, hál-id, sáprat, damák).
Untidy, slovenly, dirty, etc. See damák, rísmò.
As, like, similar to, resembling. Damák ikáw nga súbung sang báboy. You are as dirty as a pig. Súbung siní. At once, at this very instant, right away, immediately, without delay. Maáyo man kamí sing láwas nga súbung sang sa gihápon. We are in good health as ever. Taktaká siá nga súbung nga sinákup sang ínyo katilíngban. Dismiss him from membership in (as a member of) your society. Indì ka magsúbung sinâ. Don't act like that. Don't do such a thing. (see daw, tulád, parého, kaángay, katúlad).