To litter, throw down-, spread-, scatter-, in disorder. Ihál-id lang sa báid ang mahígkò nga panápton. Just throw your dirty linen in the corner. Indì ka maghál-id sang mga papél sa salúg. Don't litter the floor with those papers. Hal-idí (-irí) ang pamúsud sang hulút siníng mga ulúnan. Throw these pillows in the corner of the room. (see dúm-ok, háb-on).
To lie about in disorder, pell-mell, put in a disorderly way, disarray, jumble, litter, mess, huddle, muddle, higgledy-piggledy, topsy-turvy. Nagadamókol gid lang ang íya mga panápton. His clothes are lying about in great disorder. Husáya ang ímo panápton sa maléta, índì mo pagdamokólon. Arrange your clothes neatly in the handbag, don't throw them in anyhow, higgledy-piggledy. (see dúm-ok, hál-id, lághit, háb-on).
A small heap of stone put in a river in order to catch shrimps, lobsters, crabs and the like; to form a heap, lie about in a heap or in disorder. Magdúm-ok ka sa subâ, kay áton pagabungkagón sa búlan sa Enéro, kon may sulúd na. Build some stone traps in the river, for we will take them down in January, and see if they have anything in. Gindúm-ok níla ang mahígkò nga mga panápton sa higád. They piled up the soiled clothes in the corner. Nagadúm-ok gid lang dirí ang íya kasangkápan. His tools are here lying about in heaps-or-in utter disorder. Dum-okí ang kátre sang mga ulúnan. Put the pillows in a heap on the bed. Iníng subâ madámù sing dúm-ok. This river has many stone traps in it. (see hál-id).
To throw down in a heap or in disorder. Indì mo pagiháb-on sa salúg ang ímo mga naúg. Don't throw your clothes on the floor. Hab-oní lang ang salúg sang ímo lalábhan. Just throw your dirty linen on the floor. Ginháb-on níya ang íya mga panápton sa higád. He threw his clothes in a heap in the corner. (see hál-id, dúm-ok).
Lying about in disorder, in confusion, higgledy-piggledy, badly arranged, slovenly; to leave things lying about in disorder, to be badly arranged, be slovenly, untidy, pell-mell. Indì kamó magpamutáltag sang mga galamitón dirí sa balatonán. Don't let the furniture in the reception room be scattered about (lie about in disorder). Ginpamutáltag níla ang íla kasangkápan sa salúg. They left their tools-lying in disorder on the floor,-strewn about the floor. Dílì mo pagpamutaltagón ang mga butáng sa sulúd sang hulút. Don't turn the things in the room topsy-turvy. (see dúm-ok, hál-id, sáprat, damák).