Search result(s) - tulád



Instance, simile, comparison, example, illustration, parable, exemplification; to use or explain by means of a simile, etc. Maghalimbáwà ka sang ímo nga ginsúgid. Explain your statement by an example. Halimbawái ang ímo nga ginhámbal. Make what you have said clear by a simile. (see túlad, katúlad, súbung, daw, ángay, anggídánggid).



Similarity, equality, likeness, example, like. (see túlad, kaángay, pananglítan).



Freq. of túlad. To resemble; imitate, mimic; act thus or in like manner. Sagád siá magpanúlad sang bisán anó lang nga íya makítà ukón mabatián. He is an adept at mimicking everything he sees or hears. (see panúbung).



Freq. of túndug-to bring or send food to one working in the fields, etc. Also: to follow in the steps of, imitate, be like, have a resemblance to. Manúndug inâ sa--. That is like--. Manúndug silá sa aninípot nga--. They are like fire-flies that--. Nagapanúndug iní sa hurubáton: "--." This is according to the saying: "--." (see túlad, súbung, ílog, sunúd, halimbáwà, kahalimbáwà, katúlad, anggídánggid).



(B) To look for, try to find, seek, go in search of, search for. Sagápa ang báboy nga nadúrà (nadúlà). Look for the lost pig. Anó ang ginaságap mo? What are you looking for? Sagápi akó ti ságing (sing ságing). Find some bananas for me. Nagaságap akó kang kálò ko, pay warâ ko makítà ásta tulád kadiá (kadyá). (Nagapangítà akó sang ákon kálò, ápang túbtub karón walâ ko makítà). I am looking for my hat, but can't find it. (see sághap, lághap, pangítà).



Ill, evil, disease, sickness, illness; to make-sick,-ill. Andam ka, agúd índì ka pagsakroón liwán. Take care or you will get sick again. Si Fuláno ginsákrò sang isá ka simána kag túbtub karón ginasákrò pa siá gihápon. (Si Fuláno ginsákrò kang isaráng simána kag ásta tulád kadyá ginasákrò tána angód). N.N. was taken ill a week ago and up till now he is still unwell. Ang sinámbit nga mga sákrò amó ang íya ginabátyag. The ills mentioned are precisely those he is suffering from. (see sángkò, masakít, molomasakít).



(B) In time to come, in the future, later, after some time. Subón patindogón ko ang sángka baláy nga bág-o. (Sa olíhi patindogón ko ang isá ka baláy nga bág-o). After some time I shall have a new house built. Sa tulád kadyá índì pa, pay subón hóod mapamanílà akó. (Sa karón índì pa, ápang sa olíhi húo mapamanílà akó). Not just at present, but later on, yes, I shall go to Manila. Subón (Sa olíhi, kunína) báklan ta ikáw ti kálò nga madálig (sing matahúm nga kálò). Later on I shall buy you a beautiful hat. (see olíhi, kunína, palaabúton, ogáling).



As, like, similar to, resembling. Damák ikáw nga súbung sang báboy. You are as dirty as a pig. Súbung siní. At once, at this very instant, right away, immediately, without delay. Maáyo man kamí sing láwas nga súbung sang sa gihápon. We are in good health as ever. Taktaká siá nga súbung nga sinákup sang ínyo katilíngban. Dismiss him from membership in (as a member of) your society. Indì ka magsúbung sinâ. Don't act like that. Don't do such a thing. (see daw, tulád, parého, kaángay, katúlad).



See sulubakô. Surubakô (Nagasurubakô) kamí tulád kadyá kang áni (pagáni). (Nagasákò (nagasinákò) kami karón sang áni (pagáni)). At present we are kept very busy with the rice harvest.



(Sp. tanto) So much, as much as, as large as, as high as, etc. A, dílì (índì) tánto. Oh, not as much-, high-, tall-, great-, easy-, difficult-, etc. as that. (see súbung, túlad).

túlad, tulád


(B) Like, as; to be like, similar to. Tulád kadiá. At once. Immediately. Without delay. (see súbung, subúng, siní).



To take food to someone who is in the fields; to take after, to follow, imitate, copy. Itúndog ang panyága sa kay tátay. Tundogí si tátay sang panyága. Take the dinner to father (in the fields). (see ábat, ápas, sunúd, panúndug, ílog, súbung, tulád).



Likeness, simile, similitude, figure, image (of speech), resemblance, analogy, parallel, parallel case; parable, comparison, (see ánggid, halimbáwà, katúlad, pananglítan).



Example, likeness, comparison, simile, similitude, figure, parable, case, illustration, analogy. (see sánglit, panánglit, katúlad, kahalimbáwà, kaángay, kaanggídánggid, súbung).



(Sp. parejo) Equal, alike, same, identical, exactly similar; to be alike, treat alike or in the same manner. Parého lang. It's all the same. It makes no difference. Parého gid lang iní sa ákon. It is all the same to me. It makes no difference to me. Parého silá sing batásan. Parého ang íla batásan. Their ways or manners (conduct) are the same. Parehóa (Parehóha) silá nga tanán sang patrabáho (pagpatrabáho). Make them all work without distinction. (see amó, súbung, katúlad, kaángay, túpung, tupúng).



Caus. of tápuk. To exile, expel; hide or conceal oneself, etc. Katúlad siá sang isá ka táo nga nagpatápuk sa isá ka palanagoán nga índì makítan. He was like a man who had concealed himself in a hiding place, so that he could not be seen.