Search result(s) - masakít



Sick, ill, infirm, ailing, unwell, poorly, sore, out of sorts, seedy, painful, aching, poignant, smarting, hurting, excruciating; sharp, harsh, rough, cutting (of speech). (see sakít).



Morning, from near sunrise to mid-day; to be or become morning. Kaína sang ága. This morning. Buás sa ága. Tomorrow morning. Kon magága or umága na----. When morning comes---. Duhádúha gid kon maagahán pa ang masakít. It is very doubtful, whether the sick person (man, woman or child) will live until tomorrow morning. Naagahán kamí sa alipokpokán sang búkid. By morning we were on the top of the mountain. Maáyong ága. Good morning. Mapaága akó anay kag ugáling malakát. I'll wait till morning and then start. Naagahán silá sang kinánta, sináut, panahî, lagás sa makáwat, etc. They sang, danced, sewed, pursued the thief, etc. the whole night through till morning.



To trickle, dribble, run down in drops, flow slowly and gently. Naga-*ágay ang mapaít níya nga lúhà kag nagatúlò sa íya kamót. Her bitter tears are trickling down and dropping on her hand. Ináng kalisúd nagpaágay sang íya mga lúhà. That trouble brought tears into her eyes. Ang masakit nga bátà ginapaagáyan sing madámù nga mga lúhà sang íya ilóy. The sick child is being much wept over by its mother. Nagbúswang na ang íya hubág kag nagágay ang nánà. His boil burst and the pus flowed out. Nagpangabúdlay siá sing támà sa ínit nga ang masulúg nga bálhas nagágay sa tanán nga mga buhôbúhò sang íya pánit. He worked very hard in the heat of the sun, so that streams of perspiration poured from all the pores of his skin. (see tubúd, túlò, talabirís, tululágay, ílig).



To put one's arms on or round another's shoulder. Nagalakát silá nga nagaagbayánay. They are walking with their arms round each other's shoulders. Agbayí siá. Place your arm on his shoulder. Indì ka magágbay sa íya. Don't put your arm on his or her shoulder. Paagbayón mo ang masakít. Let the sick person put his arm on your shoulder. Sa dakû nga kakáhas nagágbay siá sa kay Fulána, apang dáyon siá níya sinúmbag kag siníkway. With great boldness he put his arm on Miss N.N.'s shoulder, but immediately he received a slap from her and was repulsed with contempt.



To support, guide, help along persons who cannot walk well by themselves; to assist people in their necessities. Agubayá iníng piáng. Help along this lame person. Iagubáy akó ánay siníng masakít nga batà. Please support this sick child for me. Ipaagubáy ko lang iníng makaloló-oy nga tigúlang sa mga mádre. I'll get the nuns to take care of this poor old man. Makaagubáy ka sa íya? Can you help him along? Ginagubáy námon siá, kay malúya siá maglakát. We helped him along, as he had little strength to walk.



To do something prematurely, before the regular or proper time or even against one's inclination. Ahatá lang ang pagpópò sang páhò. Pluck the mango, even though it is not yet quite ripe. Ginaahát níla ang ságing nga línghod. They are eating unripe bananas. Ahatón mo ang buót mo sa paglakát, bisan índì ka malúyag. Make up your mind to go, although you do not like to. Masakít karón ang íya solóksolók, kay man gin-*ahát níya ang mga sirig-wélas nga hiláw. Of course he has stomach-ache, he has eaten green plums.



To carry in-, support with-, one's arms, a child, sick person or the like, the person carried or supported assuming a leaning or half-lying position. Ginaaláy-ay níya ang masakít níya nga ilóy. She supports with her arms her sick mother. Alay-ayá ang bátà. Carry the baby in your arms. Ialáy-ay akó ánay siníng pilasón. Kindly support this wounded man with your arms. Paaláy-ayá siá sang masakit. Let him support the sick person.



To nourish, nurture, rear, bring up, foster, take good care of, look after with kindness and consideration. Aliláa sing maáyo ang bátà, ang masakít, ang pilasón, etc. Look well after the baby, the sick person, the wounded man, etc. Ialílà akó ánay siníng makaloló-oy nga táo. Kindly take upon yourself the care of this poor fellow. Si San Hosé dílì sumúod nga amáy ni Hesukrísto, kóndì amáy nga manugalílà lámang. St. Joseph was not the real father of Jesus Christ, but only his foster-father. Ginalílà níya ang ílo nga bátà súbong sang sumúod níya nga anák. She brought up or reared the orphan-child as if it were her own daughter. (see sagúd, batití, sapópo).



To sleep restlessly or brokenly, awake frequently and at short intervals, sleep only a little at a time; restless, broken, (of sleep). Nagalimúgtaw ang bátà nga masakít. The sick child slept restlessly. Alimúgtaw gid lámang ang íya katulúgon. His sleep was very restless, he slept but little, he awoke every now and again, (see búgtaw, alumílaw).



A pretended sickness; to feign sickness, pretend to be ill, to malinger, simulate some illness. Aloy lang ináng íya balatían. That sickness of his is a mere imposture or sham. Indì ka magáloy. Don't pretend to be sick. Gináloy lang níya ináng balatían. He merely simulated that disease. Iáloy mo lang nga masakít ang úlo mo. Simply pretend to have a headache.



(B) To keep vigil, watch, keep or remain awake, to watch over or by. Nagamoláw silá sa masakít or ginamolawán níla ang masakít. They watched by the sick person during the night. Iamoláw akó ánay siníng masakít nga bátà. Please watch over this sick child for me. Ipaamoláw ko ikáw sa íya. I'll let you watch by him during the night (see puláw, alígmat).



(B) To stay, live, take up one's abode. Nagaamoyóng silá sa umá. They are living at their farm. Ipaamoyóng ko ang ákon masakít nga bátà sa ínyo baláy sa umá, agúd magáyo ang íya balatían. I'll let my sick child stay with you at the farm, in order that it may recover from its sickness. Ang ámon baláy amô ang naamoyongán sang pilasón. Our house it was in which the wounded man took up his abode. Paamoyongá iníng makaloló-oy nga babáe sa ímo baláy. Allow this poor woman to stay at your house. (see lúntad, puyô).



Quiet, noiselessness, tranquility; quiet, gentle, tranquil, noiseless; to do quietly or noiselessly, perform without bustle. Ananáy ka sa pagbángon mo, agúd índì makibót ang mga nagakatulúg. Rise quietly, lest the sleepers should be startled. Ananayá ang paghákwat sang kólon, agúd índì mabúong. Lift the pot slowly (carefully), so as not to break it. Iananáy akó ánay sa paghákwat siníng masakít nga táo. Please, lift this sick man gently. (see hínay, mahínay, inanáy, alugáynay).



Automobile, auto, motorcar. Also used as a verb. Nagpaáoto kamí. We came or travelled by automobile. Ipaáoto ang masakít nga táo kag dálhon mo sa hospitál. Put the sick man in an automobile and take him to the hospital.



(Sp. asar) To roast, particularly to roast on a spit. Asalá ang manók. Roast the chicken. Inasál nga manók. Roast chicken. Asalí ang masakít sing manók. Roast a chicken for the sick person. Iasál akó ánay siníng manók. Please roast this chicken for me.



(B) To put, place. Iatáng inâ dirâ. Put it there. Atangí ang masakit sing túbig. Put some water near the sick person. (see butáng).



(H) To be or get well, recover, to get cured or healed; to mend, emend, amend, improve, make good or better. Ang masakít nga bátà nagáyo na. The sick child is cured or has recovered. Iníng bulúng nagpaáyo sang íyang balatían. This medicine cured his sickness. Ayóha ang ímo mga batásan. Mend your manners. Improve your behaviour. Gináyo siá sang manogbúlong. The doctor cured him. Kaáyo-to mend, repair. Kaayóha iní. Repair this. Mend this. Sín-o ang nagkaáyo sang ímo baláy? Who repaired your house?



Sorcerer, wizard, magician, one versed in superstitious practices. Also used as a verb. Ginbabaylanán sang babáylan ang masakít nga bátà. The sorcerer practised his art or performed his enchantments over the sick child. Ginpababaylanán sang ilóy ang íya masakít nga bátà. The mother got a conjurer to perform his superstitious rites over her sick baby. Ang babáylan kon magbinabáylan maíhaw sing manók ukón báboy kag mapatíkpátik sa pínggan. When the conjurer performs his superstitious rites he kills a chicken or pig and repeatedly strikes a plate. Nakakáon siá sing báboy nga binabaylanán. He ate some pork that had been subjected to superstitious rites.



Anointment, unction; the sacrament of Extreme Unction; to anoint, salve, treat with an unguent; to administer Extreme Unction. Badlisí siá. Anoint him. Pabadlisí siá. Have him anointed. Pabadlisán mo ang masakít nga táo. Have Extreme Unction administered to the sick man. Ibádlis inâ sa íya. Anoint him with that. (see híso, hídhid, pálhit, háplas, etc.).



Cold sweat or perspiration. Also used as a verb. Ginabahúlay ang masakít. The sick person-is wet with cold perspiration,-has broken out into a cold perspiration.

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