A suffix of verbs that have a passive in-on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses:
1.) The passive impersonal imperative. Buháta iní. Do this. (búhat, buháton). Higugmaá kag tahúra (-úda) ang ímo ginikánan. Love and respect your parents, (higúgma, higugmaón; táhud, tahúron, tahúdon).
2.) The passive negative past. Walâ níya pagbuháta iní. He did not do this. Walâ ni la pagtumána ang íla katungdánan. They have not fulfilled their duties, (túman, tumánon).
3.) The passive negative present. Sa karón walâ na níya pagaúmha iníng bánglid. He now no longer tills this slope, (umá, úmhon). Tungúd sang kadamuón sang íla mga páhò, walâ na níla pagaisípa, kóndì ginosokób na lang sa pasungán. Owing to the great quantity of their mangoes they no longer count them, but measure them by the bushel. (ísip, isípon). Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagapatindogá ang halígi? Why are you not setting up the post? (pa, tíndog, tindogón).
To slide, glide, skid, skate, slip, move or shoot along. Magdáhog ka sa kalát, lapgósan, etc. Slide down the rope, the may-pole, etc. Ipadáhog lang ang káhoy sa bánglid. Simply slide the tree down the incline.
To slide-, glide-, slip-, skid-, down a-chute,-waterfall,-hill-side, etc. Ang káhoy nagdalóhog lang sa dululhúgon. The tree slid down the slope. Ipadalóhog lang ang ímo karósa. Let your sledge slide down. Padalohógi akó sing isá ka nahót nga kawáyan. Slide down for me one piece of bamboo. Indì mo pagidalóhog ang káhoy sa bánglid, kay básì malitík. Don't slide the timber down the incline, for it may split. (see dáhog).
Steep, sheer, scarped, precipitous, almost vertical, upright, standing on end, abrupt; to be or make steep, etc. Hándog nga hágdan. A steep ladder or stair. Hándog nga bató. A precipitous rock. Pahandogá ang hágdan. Set up the ladder nearly upright. Ginában sang subâ ang bánglid kag ang pángpang naghándog. The river has washed away the incline and the bank has become sheer. (see tíndog, píl-as).
Moderately sloping, not too steep, slightly inclined, declivous; to slope moderately, make a slope. Háy-og nga dálan, pángpang, bakólod, etc. A moderately sloping road, river-bank, hill, etc. Hay-ogá ang bánglid nga píl-as. Make the slope less steep. Ginháy-og níla ang pángpang nga hándog. They made the steep bank slope down gently. (see bánhay).
A clod-breaker, clod-crusher; a wooden agricultural implement used for breaking-up clods of earth as well as for shifting the upper stratum of soil from one part of the field to another; to level a piece of ground or a hillside by means of the "pagulúng". Dútà nga pinagúlngan. Ground that has been levelled. Mapagulúng kitá siníng bánglid. Let us break up and level this hillside. (see gúlung).
To plant, sow, especially to plant seeds by hand in holes made by a stick, etc. Ipánggas ang maís. Plant the corn. Panggasí sing maís ang talámnan nga naányan na. Plant corn in the field from which the rice has been harvested. Ang mga ginikánan dápat magpánggas sang bínhì sang maáyo nga pamatásan sa lanúbò nga tagiposóon sang íla mga bátà. Parents should sow the seed of good conduct (manners) in the young hearts of their children. Walâ kamí sing humáy nga pinánggas, kóndì tinánum lang. We have no rice grown directly from the seeds, but only rice from transplanted seedlings. Ang pamánggas ángay sa mga bánglid, ápang ang panánum sa saláma nga wayáng. Seed-planting is suitable on slopes, but seedling-planting on level plains.
Caus. of umá-to till, etc. Paúmha siá siníng bánglid. Ipaumá sa íya iníng bánglid. Let him cultivate this slope. Order him to turn this hillside into farm-land.
To be drawn, rolled, dragged or pulled along the ground with a rustling noise; to drag or draggle on the ground. Sang pagkahúlug níya sa bánglid nagragósros siá pa idálum. When he fell on the slope he whizzed (rolled) to the bottom. (see ragásras).
Cultivated ground, soil, field, farm, farmland; country, country-side, rural district, farmstead; to farm, till the soil, do farm-work, be a farmer. Nagaumá (nagapangúma) siá karón kag nagapuyô (nagaamuyóng) man siá sa íya umá. He is at present doing farm-work and stays at his farm. Yádtong bánglid ginumá námon sang túig nga tinalíkdan, ápang karón walâ na námon pagaúmha, kay lánggod ang dútà. Last year we cultivated that slope over there, but we are not working it any longer, because the soil is poor. Hóo, kon malúyag ikáw ipaumá ko sa ímo iníng bakólod. Yes, if you like, I'll let you till this rise. Diín ikáw nagapuyô?-Sa umá. Where do you live?-In the country. In the rural district. Ang ímo umá saráng mapalápad pa gid, kon kaíngnon mo lang ang tanán nga mga kalaíngnon. Your farmland can be increased yet to a large extent, if you only clear by fire all the jungles that can be brought under cultivation. (see pangúma, pangúmhan, umánhon, mangungúma, palangúmhan, dútà, lúpà, tubúng).
Cultivated ground, soil, field, farm, farmland; country, country-side, rural district, farmstead; to farm, till the soil, do farm-work, be a farmer. Nagaumá (nagapangúma) siá karón kag nagapuyô (nagaamuyóng) man siá sa íya umá. He is at present doing farm-work and stays at his farm. Yádtong bánglid ginumá námon sang túig nga tinalíkdan, ápang karón walâ na námon pagaúmha, kay lánggod ang dútà. Last year we cultivated that slope over there, but we are not working it any longer, because the soil is poor. Hóo, kon malúyag ikáw ipaumá ko sa ímo iníng bakólod. Yes, if you like, I'll let you till this rise. Diín ikáw nagapuyô?-Sa umá. Where do you live?-In the country. In the rural district. Ang ímo umá saráng mapalápad pa gid, kon kaíngnon mo lang ang tanán nga mga kalaíngnon. Your farmland can be increased yet to a large extent, if you only clear by fire all the jungles that can be brought under cultivation. (see pangúma, pangúmhan, umánhon, mangungúma, palangúmhan, dútà, lúpà, tubúng).