Search result(s) - púkan



To overthrow, overturn, fell to the ground, lay low, cut down; to fall down. Pukána ang káhoy. Fell the tree. Pukáni akó sing ápat ka halígi. Cut down four posts for me. Ginpúkan sang hángin ang páhò. The mango-tree was blown down by the wind. Nagkalapúkan silá sa patág sang pagawáyan. They fell on the field of battle. Kon mabáskug ang bágyo mapúkan (magakapúkan) iníng baláy. If there should blow a violent storm, this house will tumble down. (see pulúd, túmba).



To fell, cut down, particularly applied to bamboo. Gamáa ang kawáyan. Cut down the bamboo. Gamái akó sing napúlò ka nahót nga kawáyan. Cut down ten pieces of bamboo for me. Igámà iníng binángon sa kawáyan. Cut the bamboo down with this bolo. Igámà akó siníng ápat ka nahót nga kawáyan. Kindly cut down for me these four pieces of bamboo. (see pulúd, púkan).



(B) To cut down, chop down, fell, lay low. Gupúda (-úra) ináng mga káhoy. Fell those trees. Gupúdi akó sing tátlo ka páyhod. Cut down for me three payhod-trees. Igúpud akó siníng páhò. Kindly cut down this mango-tree for me. Nagupúdan iníng talámnan sing tátlo ka dúldul. Three kapok-trees have been cut down in this field. Igúpud iníng wásay sa lubí. Use this axe for felling the coconut palm. (see pulúd, tapás, púkan).



(B) To fell, hew down, cause to fall, lay low, throw down. Kulangá ang káhoy. Fell the tree. Nakuláng na ang káhoy sa dútà. The tree is now laid low on the ground. Ginkuláng sang bágyo ang dìmaísip nga mga káhoy. The storm laid low innumerable trees. (see púkan).



Freq. of tapás-to hew down, fell (trees, etc.). Panápson nínyo ang mga káhoy dídto sa bánglid. Cut down the trees there on the slope. (see púkan, pamulúd).



Dim. and Freq. of púkan. Also: to shake, roll, rock, move up and down or to and fro; rocking, rolling, swinging.



To hew-, chop-, cut-, down, fell (a tree, etc.). Púdla (puludá, pulurá) ang páhò. Cut down the mango tree. Ipulúd iníng wásay sa káhoy. Use this hatchet to chop down (fell) the tree with. (see tapás, púkan).



What is to-, should-, be felled, as a tree, etc. (see púkan).



To fell, hew-, cut-, down (a tree, etc); to beat gold or silver. (see tapás, púkan, pulúd, panágyad).



To cut down, fell, mow, mow down, cut low shrubs, reeds, under brush etc. Tápsa ang tígbaw. Cut down the tígbaw reeds. Itapás iníng binángon. Use this bolo for cutting. (For felling large trees púkan is more used).



To fell, cut down, cut (i.e. sever and take away, as a bunch of) bananas, etc. Túb-on mo ang ságing (sáb-a). Cut down the banana-tree. Túb-i akó sing isá ka búlig. Cut down for me one bunch of bananas. Tinúb-an níya akó sing anonóo (sáb-a) nga gúlang. He cut down some ripe anonóo bananas for me. (see tapás, púkan, pulúd).



Hole, pit, etc. See talap-úkan. (see támpok, táp-ok).



Exile, place of banishment, isolation, detention camp, any remote and solitary place. (see tápuk).



Summit, top, highest point, apex, climax. (see putókputokán, alipokpokán).



(Sp. hasta) Till, until; even, not even. Hulatá akó ásta sa las díes. Wait for me till ten o'clock. Asta sa katapúsan. Till the end. To a finish. Ginpúkan sang bágyo ang tanán nga mga tanúm ásta ang mga dalágkù nga káhoy. The hurricane levelled all plants with the ground, even large trees. (see túbtub).



Strength, firmness, stability, stoutness; to be or become strong, firm, stout, sturdy. Nagbákud na ang ámon baláy, kay ginkaáyo sang pánday. Our house is now strong, because the carpenter has repaired it. Bakúron (-údon) mo ang pagpatíndog sang baláy. Build the house strong. Ipabákud sa pánday ang ímo baláy, agúd índì mapúkan sang bágyo. Get a carpenter to strengthen your house, or it will be blown down by a hurricane. (see líg-on, pág-on).



(H) To mind, pay attention to, notice, observe. Sa walâ lámang mahingalági napúkan siá kag napatáy. Suddenly he collapsed and died. (see kálag, hingalág).



To roar, thunder, howl, to make a noise as of rushing waters, trees shaking in the wind or the like. Nagahugánas ang hángin sa baláy. The wind is howling through the house. Naghugánas ang káhoy nga napúkan, ang mga apán nga naglubás, etc. The tree came down with a crash, the locusts passed with a whirring sound, etc. (see hugpáas).



To crush or smash under a falling object. Naló-oy ang tanúm kay natapákan sang táo, kay napukánan sang káhoy, etc. The plant got crushed, for it was trodden down by men, for a tree fell on it, etc. Nahulúgan akó sing káhoy kag naló-oy ang ákon tiíl. I was hit by a falling tree and my foot was smashed.



Freq. of súlay-to prop up, support by (leaning) posts or props (set at an angle). Panuláyi ang baláy, kay magabágyo. Prop up the house with some posts, for a storm is coming. Manukó kag manúlay na kitá, agúd índì mapúkan sang hángin ang áton mga pulúy-an. Let us put up additional props and posts, that the wind may not be able to blow down our houses.

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