Search result(s) - túbtub



Until, till, up to, to, unto, as far as. Kútub sang--túbtub sa--. From--until (till, to)--. Túbtub karón walâ pa siá magabút. Up to this time he has not come yet. (see tódtod, ásta).



Even, quite, to such an extent, in such a degree. Mabáskug gid ang bágyo nga túbtub ang ibán nga mga dalágkù nga baláy nagkalapúkan. The storm was so fierce that even some of the large houses were blown down.



Dim. and Freq. of ábat. Also: to follow up, follow from place to place. Ginabátábat sang mga polís ang makáwat túbtub nga íla madakúp (nadakúp). The police followed the thief from place to place till they caught him. Abát-abáton nínyo ang duhá ka pamatán-on nga nagtabanáy túbtub nga ínyo makítà kag ibálik nínyo dirí silá nga duhá. Follow the two young people that have eloped till you find them and bring the two of them back here. (see sunúdsúnud).



Freq. of ábut. To come and go, pass off and on; to come within reach, to reach nearly, but not quite. Nagaabút-ábut sa íya ang balatían. The disease attacks him periodically or in frequent fits. Ang kánding ginaabút-ábut na sang idô nga nagalagás. The goat is being nearly caught up to by the pursuing dog. Ang tá-ub nagaabút-ábut dirí siníng baybáyon túbtub sa tungâtúngà sinâ nga búgsok. The high tide on this beach usually rises to about the middle of that post.



My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon-me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into me. Ang ákon kálò. My hat. Akon iní nga baláy. This house is mine, -belongs to me. Yanâ nga umá ákon gid. That field is my own, -belongs to me alone. Dílì ákon iní nga tulún-an. This book is not mine or does not belong to me. Akon ginhímò iní. This was done by me, I did it. Akon siá pagaluasón. Through me he will get free, I will free him. Walâ siá paghigúgma sa ákon. He has no love for me, does not love me at all. Kon sa ákon lang walâ akó sing kabilinggan. As far as I am concerned I have nothing against it. Nagapalapít siá sa ákon. He is coming towards me, is approaching me. Sa dak-ú nga katístis ginhímò níya iní sa ákon. He did this to me very maliciously. Kútub sang paghalín níya dirí sa ákon túbtub nián walâ ko siá makítà. Since he went away from me until now I have not seen him. Sa ákon bántà índì na siá magbálik sa ákon. In my opinion he will not return to me any more. Kon kís-a dumángat sa ákon ang masubô nga panghunâhúna--. Now and then sad reflections come upon me--. (see nákon, ko, ímo, nímo, mo, íya, níya, ámon, námon, áton, náton, ta, ínyo, nínyo, íla, níla).

N.B. The difference between the use of "ákon" and "nákon, ko" is as follows:

1) in the meaning of a possessive pronoun "ákon" is put before and "nákon, ko" are put after the word they respectively qualify, e.g. Ang ákon idô. Ang idô nákon (ko). My dog. Ang ákon amáy tigúlang na. Ang amay nákon (ko) tigúlang na. My father is now old.

2) in the meaning of a predicative adjective "ákon" is always used and never "nákon" or "ko". Akon iní nga pínggan or Iní nga pínggan ákon. This plate is mine, belongs to me. Dilì ákon iní nga páhò or Iní nga páhò dílì ákon. This mango is not mine, does not belong to me.

3) in the meaning of a personal pronoun with the preposition "s", "ákon" is used exclusively and never "nákon" or "ko" e.g. Ginhátag níya inâ sa ákon. He gave that to me. Nagsúmbag siá sa ákon. He hit (boxed) me.

4) in the meaning of "by me, through me" as a personal agent "ákon" always stands before the verb and can only be used, if the verb is not negatived. Akon ginbúhat iní. This was done by me. Sa waláy duhádúha ákon siá pagaduáwon. Of course, he will be visited by me i.e. I will pay him a visit. Dílì balá matúod nga ákon siá nabayáran? Isn't it true, that he was paid by me i.e. that I paid him? "Nákon" and "ko", if employed in such sentences, take their place invariably after the verb: Ginbúhat ko (nákon) iní. Sa ualáy duhádúha pagaduáwon ko (nákon) siá. Dílì balá matúod nga nabayáran ko (nákon) siá?

But if the verb is negatived "ákon" cannot be used; "nákon" or "ko" must then be employed and be placed between the negative adverb and the verb: Walâ ko (nákon) pagbuháta iní. This was not done by me. Dílì ko (nákon) malipatán iní. I cannot forget it. Indì ko (nákon) malíngkang iníng bató, kay mabúg-at gid. I cannot move this stone, for it is very heavy. Indì pa nákon (índì ko pa) mapúy-an ang bág-o ko nga baláy, kay walâ ko pa (ualâ pa nákon) pagbutangí sing mga galamitón nga kinahánglan. I cannot live in my new house yet, because I have not yet put in the necessary furniture. Walâ ko (nákon) siá pagagdahá kag índì man nákon (índì ko man) siá pagagdahón, kay maláin siá sing pamatásan. I neither invited him nor will I invite him, because he has vicious habits.

5) in sentences where the verb is preceded by a quasi-auxiliary or by adverbs of time or place like "saráng, buót, diín, dirí, dirâ, sán-o pa, etc." "nákon" or "ko" should be used before the verb, even if the latter is not negatived, e.g. Saráng ko mabúhat iní. I can do it. Buót ko ímnon iníng bino. I wish or like to drink this wine. Sán-o ko pa (sán-o pa nákon) mapatíndog ang bág-o nga baláy? When shall I be able to build the new house? Diín ko (nákon) makítà ang kwárta? Where can I find the money?

The foregoing examples and rules are applicable to all personal and possessive pronouns, "ímo, íya, ámon, áton, ínyo, íla" following "ákon" and "nímo, mo, níya, námon, náton, ta, nínyo, níla" following "nákon, ko".



To get loose, to peel or scale off, as a piece of bark, skin, flesh, etc. Nagál-al na ang kogán sang ákon butí. The scabs of my smallpox have now fallen off. Lauyáha ang kárne túbtub nga magál-al sa túl-an. Boil the meat till it comes loose from the bone. Al-alá or paal-alá ang pánit sang manók. Boil the chicken till the skin comes away.



To remain awake, watch, keep vigil, stay up waiting for somebody, etc. Aligmatá akó túbtub nga magabút akó. Stay awake for me till I come. Magalígmat kamó. Keep vigil. Stay awake. (see puláw).



An insistent request, solicitation, petition; to importune, to ask earnestly, to solicit, petition, request. Alungayá inâ sa kay nánay. Ask mother for it. Alungayá sa kay nánay mo ang súbong sinâ nga hampangánan. Ask your mother for a plaything like that. Ialungáy mo akó sa kay tátay nga tugútan níya akó sa pagkádto sa Ilóngílong. Please ask father for me to let me go to Iloilo. Inalungayán níla akó siníng mga páhò. They kept asking me for some of these mangoes. Ginalungayán níya si tátay túbtub nga nakadángat siá sang íya ginahándum. He begged hard of father till he obtained his wish. (see ahâ, pangáyò).



Prayer, petition, request, to pray, beseech, ask, beg, petition, request. Nagaámpò akó, or ginaámpò ko nga-. I pray, that-. Iámpò mo akó sa Diós. Please, pray to God for me. Ginaampoán ko ikáw ánay siníng duhá ka mángmang nga ákon útang túbtub nga makítà ko ang ikabáyad sa ímo. I beg of you to wait a little with regard to those two pesos I owe you till I find the money to pay you with. Ampò ka sa hukóm, básì kalo-óyan ikáw níya. Petition the judge, may be he will have compassion with you. Mangámpò akó. I surrender; I give in; I ask for mercy. (An expression often used by one beaten at wrestling, boxing or the like). Ginámpò ko sa íya inâ, ápang walâ níya pag-ihátag sa ákon. I asked him for it, but he did not give it to me. (see pangáyò, pangamúyò, pakilóoy, ahâ, etc.; magalámpò-intercessor, patron).



(B) Buying on credit,-on account,-on tick; to obtain on credit, to buy on account. Angkatí akó sing duhá ka metros nga kóko. Get me on credit two meters of white cloth. Angkatá lang inâ. Just buy it on credit. Ipaángkat sa ákon iníng bunáng. Let me have this yarn on credit. Angkatí man akó siníng sapátos, kay hulatón ko man ikáw sa pagbáyad túbtub sa lapás ang piésta. Take also these boots from me on credit, for I am willing to wait for your payment till after the feast. Paangkatá lang akó sinâ. Simply give me that on credit. (see the foregoing "ángkat"; the connection between the two is obvious. They are really the same term, whose first meaning is "to get loose seams, etc." and whose secondary meaning is "to get loose merchandise, etc." i.e. "to get or obtain on credit").



(B) To be at ease or rest, feel comfortable, etc. Mostly used with a negative. Indì siá maarabútay túbtub nga matápus iníng gamó. He cannot rest, will not feel easy, till this trouble is over. (see libútay id.).



(Sp. hasta) Till, until; even, not even. Hulatá akó ásta sa las díes. Wait for me till ten o'clock. Asta sa katapúsan. Till the end. To a finish. Ginpúkan sang bágyo ang tanán nga mga tanúm ásta ang mga dalágkù nga káhoy. The hurricane levelled all plants with the ground, even large trees. (see túbtub).



To rub, strike, as a match, to rub two pieces of bamboo, etc. together in order to make fire. Bag-irá (-idá) ang pósporo. Strike the match. Bag-irí ang káha sang pósporo. Strike the match against the box. Bag-irí ang kawáyan túbtub nga magkaláyo (magkalayó). Rub the bamboo till it takes fire.



To rub two stones together, to crush or pulverize, between two stones or against a stone. Ginabag-orán ang bató nga bukáy sing binókbok nga bukáy túbtub nga magpíno kag ihínis sa ngípon. The crushed white stone is rubbed between two white stones till it becomes fine powder, and can be used to clean the teeth with. Ang tayóbong ginabág-od sa bató kon unawón. The tayobong-root is rubbed against a stone to rid the pulp of juice. Ibág-od mo ang tayóbong sa bató. Rub the tayobong-roots against a stone.



To like, be pleased with, enjoy; to entertain, amuse. Nagakabangá silá sang sugilánon. They enjoy conversation. Ginbangahán níla ang pagtámbong sa ámon beláda. They enjoyed being present at our theatrical entertainment. Bangahá ang mga bisíta sang sugilánon túbtub nga malútò ang pagkáon. Entertain the visitors with conversation till dinner (food) is ready. (see wíli, lúyag, lípay, lingáw).



Curved, bent, crooked, said especially of a carrier's pole; to be or make curved, to curve, bend. Hilókhilóka ang tuangtuangán túbtub nga magbángkong. Bend the carrier's pole till it stays curved. Ginbángkong níya ang íya tuangtuangán. He curved his carrying-pole. (see tikô, likô, balikô, balitók).



(B) A swelling, tumour, ulcer; boil; to swell, etc. Nagbanóg ang íya nga púgsa. The boil on his back has increased in size. Nabánggan (nabanogán) ang kamót ko. My hand is swollen or has become swollen. Binánggan ang batíis ko sing bakokáng. My calf became swollen on account of the carbuncle called "bakokáng". Iníng hubág mo magabanóg pa túbtub nga magbúswang. This boil of yours will swell more before it bursts. (see hubág, bukálong, bálhong).



(B) Dim. of búhay. A rather long time, during a considerable space of time. Buháybúhay ang paghulát níya túbtub nga nadángat níya inâ nga palangakóan. He had to wait quite a long time before he got that position. Buháybúhay ang íya pagántos sang balatían. He had to suffer from the disease a considerable time. (see dugáydúgay).



(Sp. bolear) To pull-, drag-, by jerks, to jerk, push to and fro. Bulyahá ang pangá túbtub nga masánggì ang sangá. Push and pull the hooked pole till the branch breaks off the stem. Ginbúlya níya ang ákon bútkon túbtub nga nangákig akó (túbtub nga nadalá níya akó). He pulled my arm till I got angry (till he made me go along with him).



Dim. of búlya. Ginabulyabúlya ang bátà sang íya nga ilóy. The child is being pulled-, dragged-, along by its mother. Bulyábulyahá gid ang balágon túbtub nga mabúgtò. Jerk the stem of the creeper till it breaks.

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