Search result(s) - ángkat



An open seam, a joint, a chink or crack; to get loose, to loosen, to prise apart, to form chinks or cracks, to lose connection with, said of seams, junctures, joints and the like. Nagángkat ang kinitáan sang lamésa. The joints between the boards of the table opened. Ginpaángkat sang pánday ang tápì sa (íya) kinitáan. The carpenter forced the board loose at its joint.



(B) Buying on credit,-on account,-on tick; to obtain on credit, to buy on account. Angkatí akó sing duhá ka metros nga kóko. Get me on credit two meters of white cloth. Angkatá lang inâ. Just buy it on credit. Ipaángkat sa ákon iníng bunáng. Let me have this yarn on credit. Angkatí man akó siníng sapátos, kay hulatón ko man ikáw sa pagbáyad túbtub sa lapás ang piésta. Take also these boots from me on credit, for I am willing to wait for your payment till after the feast. Paangkatá lang akó sinâ. Simply give me that on credit. (see the foregoing "ángkat"; the connection between the two is obvious. They are really the same term, whose first meaning is "to get loose seams, etc." and whose secondary meaning is "to get loose merchandise, etc." i.e. "to get or obtain on credit").



To challenge, etc. See ákyat, hángkat.



A loan contract, the loan to be paid, mostly at usurious interest, in agricultural products; to borrow money on such a contract. Kon índì ka magbáyad sing túbò, índì ka makaalíli. If you are unwilling to pay interest, you cannot get a loan. Nagsilíng siá sa ákon nga pagapaalilíhan ikáw níya sing napúlò ka mángmang kon magbáyad ka sa íya sing ánum ka pásong nga humáy sa tubás. He told me that he will lend you ten pesos, if you will pay him six bushels of rice at the harvest-time. Ipaalíli lang sa íya ang tátlo ka mángmang nga íya kinahánglan. Just lend him the three pesos he needs. Sing masamí ang mga manugpaalíli nagasokót sing lakás nga túbò. Very often money-lenders on an alíli-contract charge exorbitant interest. (see útang, hulám, língit, ángkat).



An irregular hole, gap, opening or apperture in a roof, floor, partition or the like; to make such a hole. Sin-o ang naggihâ sang díngding? Who made that hole in the partition? Indì mo paggihaán ang salúg. Don't make holes in the floor. Nagasulúd ang ulán, kay may gihâ galî ang atóp. The rain comes in, for the roof, sure enough, has a hole in it. (see kinitáan, ángkat, tohók, búslot, lubô).



To challenge, defy, provoke, dare. (see ángkat, ákyat, hákyat).



To challenge, defy, provoke. (See ákyat, ángkat).



(H) Borrowing; to borrow, get a loan, raise money. Nakahulám siá sang ákon kwárta. He borrowed money from me. Pahulamá akó sang ímo kwárta. Lend me some money. Hulamí akó sing pílak kay Fuláno. Get me an accommodation from N.N. Ipahulám sa ákon ang ímo karabáw karón sa hápon. Let me have (let me have a lend of) your buffalo for this afternoon. Sa karón índì nákon ikáw mapahulám sing kwárta, kay balasúbas akó gid. For the present I cannot advance you money, because I am completely out of cash. Indì ka maghulám kag índì ka magpahulám. Neither borrower nor lender be. Ang amó nga pílak saráng mapahulám sa íla. That money can be given them as a loan, (they can borrow that money). (see língit, útang, ángkat).



(Sp. quebra, quiebra) Breakage, breaking loose or asunder; loss, shrinkage; failure, bankruptcy; to break asunder, be severed from; to become less, shrink; to fail in business, become bankrupt. Indì mo pagkebrahón ang kinitáan sang mga tápì. Don't force asunder the joints of the planks. Nagkébra ang íya komérsyo. His business failed. Nagkébra ang humáy sing tagisá ka gántang ang pásong. The rice shrunk one ganta to the bushel. (see púto, ángkat, kúpus, kúlpà).



(B) Freq. of ángkat-to get on credit; to get loose, separate; to challenge, defy.



A kind of open-work basket used for stowing away table-ware, clothes, etc.



Interval, etc. See láng-at. langkatí-lang-atí.



Full, complete (of payment); well done, thorough, perfect, faultless (of work); full, of the best, of a high order (of crops, etc.); to be or perform well, to become or make blameless, etc. Ang humáy nga pinatubás ko sang isá ka túig alogás-gas gid, ápang ang pinatubás ko sa karón nga túig támà kaupahón. The rice I harvested last year was splendid, but the one I harvested this year is full of blighted ears. Abáw alogás-gas gid ang ginbáyad ko sang ginbalígyà mo sa ákon kag karón ang ákon ibalígyà angkatón mo lang! Just think of it, I paid you cash in full for what you sold me and now you would like to get on mere credit what I have to sell to you! Maáyo gánì kon siá ang magapatíndog sang baláy, kay alogás-gas siá sing pangóbra. It is well, indeed, if he builds the house, for he is thorough in his work. Kon alogas-gasón ang ínyo trabáho, alogas-gasón ko man ang igasóhol ko sa ínyo. If you perform your work well, I, on my part, will pay you a generous wage. Ginalogas-gasán ko siá sa pagbáyad. I paid him cash in full.



To challenge, defy. (see ákyat, hángkat).