Search result(s) - hulám



(H) Borrowing; to borrow, get a loan, raise money. Nakahulám siá sang ákon kwárta. He borrowed money from me. Pahulamá akó sang ímo kwárta. Lend me some money. Hulamí akó sing pílak kay Fuláno. Get me an accommodation from N.N. Ipahulám sa ákon ang ímo karabáw karón sa hápon. Let me have (let me have a lend of) your buffalo for this afternoon. Sa karón índì nákon ikáw mapahulám sing kwárta, kay balasúbas akó gid. For the present I cannot advance you money, because I am completely out of cash. Indì ka maghulám kag índì ka magpahulám. Neither borrower nor lender be. Ang amó nga pílak saráng mapahulám sa íla. That money can be given them as a loan, (they can borrow that money). (see língit, útang, ángkat).



A loan contract, the loan to be paid, mostly at usurious interest, in agricultural products; to borrow money on such a contract. Kon índì ka magbáyad sing túbò, índì ka makaalíli. If you are unwilling to pay interest, you cannot get a loan. Nagsilíng siá sa ákon nga pagapaalilíhan ikáw níya sing napúlò ka mángmang kon magbáyad ka sa íya sing ánum ka pásong nga humáy sa tubás. He told me that he will lend you ten pesos, if you will pay him six bushels of rice at the harvest-time. Ipaalíli lang sa íya ang tátlo ka mángmang nga íya kinahánglan. Just lend him the three pesos he needs. Sing masamí ang mga manugpaalíli nagasokót sing lakás nga túbò. Very often money-lenders on an alíli-contract charge exorbitant interest. (see útang, hulám, língit, ángkat).



(H) Place where money can be borrowed, where loans are negotiated, etc. (see hulám-to borrow).



To borrow, get on credit, raise money, run into debt. Maglíngit ka lang ánay sing tátlo ka gántang nga bugás sa kay Fuláno. Just borrow for the present three gantas of hulled rice from N.N. Língta (lingíta) ang íya kwárta. Borrow his money. Palingíta (palíngta) akó sing isá ka sáko nga maís. Lend me a sack of corn. Walâ akó makalíngit sang íya salákyan, kay ginhinakáyan ni Fuláno. I could not borrow his car or vehicle, for it had been hired by N.N. Pinalíngit man níya akó kuntánì sing kwárta, ápang sa karón balasúbas siá. He would have granted me a loan of money, but at present he is out of cash. (see hulám, útang).



To find a contrivance, means or remedy according to one's needs, particularly applied to the borrowing of money. Naglío siá sing kwárta. He borrowed some money. Somehow he managed to get hold of some money. Ginlióhan níya akó sing kwárta. He borrowed some money from me. Palalío (Palalíyo, paralíyo) siá nga táo. He is fond of-, is always-, borrowing money. He is a troublesome or unpleasant man to deal with. (see hulám, laláng, rimédyo and the following lío).



(H) To loan, lend, advance, accommodate with, let borrow. Pahulamá akó sing kwárta-or-ipahulám sa ákon ang ímo kwárta. Lend me your money. Grant me a loan of money. Pahulamá siá sing kwárta. Let him have-a loan,-some money on loan,-borrow some money of you. (pa, hulám).



Freq. of hulám-to borrow, etc. Walâ siá madagtaí sang mga pinanghulamán nga batásan sang mga dumulóong. He was untouched by (kept himself aloof from) customs borrowed from foreigners.



To lend, make a loan, advance money, grant a favour, etc. Pautánga siá sing duhá ka mángmang. Lend him two pesos. May kabaláslan nga dakû akó sa íya, kay ginpaútang níya akó sing madámù nga kaayóhan. I am deeply grateful to him, for I am indebted to him for many favours. (pa, útang; see hulám, pahulám).



Debt, liability, debit, score, account; to have a debt, be in debt, owe, borrow, obtain a loan, run up a bill, incur a-, contract a-, get into-, run into-, debt. May útang siá sa ákon nga duhá ka púlò ka písos. He owes me (has a debt to me of) twenty pesos. Ginutángan níya si Fuláno sing isá ka gatús. He borrowed one hundred (pesos) from N.N. Pautánga lang siá sing diótay nga kwárta. Just lend him a little money. Nautángan mo ang ímo mga ginikánan sang ímo kabúhì. You owe your life to your parents. Dílì ka magpangútang kag índì ka man magpaútang. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Note the accent in the following: Bisán kon mautanggán akó--. Even if I have to get-, run-, into debt--. (see hulám-to borrow).



Debt, liability, debit, score, account; to have a debt, be in debt, owe, borrow, obtain a loan, run up a bill, incur a-, contract a-, get into-, run into-, debt. May útang siá sa ákon nga duhá ka púlò ka písos. He owes me (has a debt to me of) twenty pesos. Ginutángan níya si Fuláno sing isá ka gatús. He borrowed one hundred (pesos) from N.N. Pautánga lang siá sing diótay nga kwárta. Just lend him a little money. Nautángan mo ang ímo mga ginikánan sang ímo kabúhì. You owe your life to your parents. Dílì ka magpangútang kag índì ka man magpaútang. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Note the accent in the following: Bisán kon mautanggán akó--. Even if I have to get-, run-, into debt--. (see hulám-to borrow).



(Sp. abonar) To advance, loan, let have-, allow-, on credit. Abonahí akó ánay sing napúlò ka pisos. Advance me ten pesos. Iabonár lang ánay sa ákon iníng mga sapátos. Let me have these boots on credit. Ipaabonár lang sa íya ang íya mga kilinahanglánon. Let him have on credit whatever he needs, (see paútang, pahulám).



Dim. of ráy. Also: To receive or welcome with pleasure, to show one's pleasure by signs, to ingratiate oneself by manifestations of affection, as a cat purring on one's lap, a dog fawning on its master, children desirous of obtaining a favour from their parents, etc. Ang bátà nagapangaráy-aráy sa íya tátay. The child is welcoming its father with joy. Nagaaráy-aráy siá sa ákon, segúro, kay buót siá pahulamón sing kwárta. He is paying me great attention, for the reason, no doubt, that he wants to borrow money of me. (see pangilô-ilô).



To come back, return, go back to the place one came from. Nagbálik siá sa Ilóng-ílong. He went back to Iloilo. Balíkon mo ang maléta nga nalipatán ko. Go back and fetch the handbag I forgot. Balíki si Hosé. Return to José. Ginbálik níya ang pílak nga íya ginhulám. He returned the money he had borrowed. Ibálik mo na ang líbro ko. Now at last give me back my book. Ipabálik lang inâ sa íya. Just send that back to him. Binalíkan níya ang ámon baláy, kay bangúd sang bahâ walâ siá makatabók sa subâ. He came back again to our house, for on account of the freshet he could not cross the river. Binalíkan pa gid sang idô ang diótay nga kárne nga íya nabilín. The dog went back again to the little meat he had left. (see úlì, buélta, panumbalík).



Payment, settlement, disbursement, expenditure, outlay; to pay, settle, spend, disburse. Magbáyad ka sang ímong útang. Pay (you must pay) your debt. Sa walâ sing báyad or sa waláy báyad. Without payment; gratis, free. Kón índì ka magbáyad sa íya karón, índì ka makaútang sa íya liwán. If you don't pay him now, you cannot get a loan from him again. Bayári na siá sang duhá ka mángmang nga ginhulám mo. Pay him now the two pesos you borrowed. Ibáyad mo sa íya ang napúlò ka mángmang nga útang mo sa íya. Pay him the ten pesos you owe him. Ang mga komersyánte malúyag sang mga súkì nga may batásan sa pagbáyad sing támbing. Dealers like customers that habitually pay cash. Nakabáyad ka sang relóh nga nabáton mo gíkan sa Manílà?-Hóo, dúgay na nga binayáran ko yádto. Have you paid for the watch you received from Manila?-Yes, I paid for it long ago. Walâ pa akó sing ikabáyad sa ímo. I have not yet got the means with which to pay you. Sa madalî ukón sa madúgay magabáyad gid siá sing mahál sang íya nga sináypan. Sooner or later he will pay dearly for his mistakes. Pabayára (-áda) siá. Make (let) him pay.



(Sp. vuelta) Return, coming back; to return, come back, retrace one's steps. Sán-o man ikáw magabuélta? When are you coming back? Nakabuélta siá? Has he returned? Sa pagbuélta mo dálhan mo akó sing tinápay. On your return bring me along some bread. Huy, sapiór, bueltahón mo akó karón. Hi. chauffeur, come back and fetch me soon. Húo, pahulamón ko ikáw siníng maléta, ápang ipabuélta mo sa ákon sa madalî. Yes, I'll lend you this hand-bag, but mind and have it returned to me soon. Ari na ang maléta nga ginbuélta (ginpabuélta) níya. Here now is the handbag he brought (sent) back. Naglakát siá sa Ilóngílong kaína sang ága kag nagbuélta siá siníng hápon. He walked to Iloilo this morning and came back this afternoon or evening. (see bálik, paúlì, panumbalík, ógpot).



(B) Dim. and Freq. of dádol. Ginadadóldádol níya ang káro nga íya ginhulám. He is using roughly the cart he borrowed.



To induce, persuade, move, coax, wheedle, cajole, talk over, (mostly used with a negative). Indì mo siá madaríri sa pagpahulám sa ímo sing kwárta. You will not be able to coax him into lending you money. Indì ka makadaríri sa íya sa pagkádto dídto. You won't be able to get him to go there.



To move or influence without much ado, obtain a favour at short notice, prevail upon easily. Indì ka makagábing siníng táo sa pagtábang sa ímo. You cannot easily get this man to assist you. Gingábing ko gid siá sa pagbúlig sa ákon. I prevailed on him at once to help me. Tilawán mo lang siá, ápang sa ákon bántà índì mo siá magábing sa pagpahulám sa ímo sing kwárta. Just have a try at him, but in my opinion you will be unable to induce him to lend you any money. (see daríri).



The compound form panhakúl, panghakúl is mostly used. To plead, beseech, implore, complain, lament, cry out in grief or sorrow, ask with tears. Indì ka magpanghakúl sing lakás, kay ánhon mo? Ang karabáw nga patáy índì na mabánhaw. Don't lament too much, for what can you do? The dead buffalo will not rise again. Ginpanghakulán akó níya sa pagpahulám sa íya sing kwárta. He implored me with tears to lend him some money. Nagapanghakúl kamí sa ímo --. We beseech thee --. We are crying out to thee --. (see hákroy, bákhò, pakilóoy, pakitábang).



To shun, avoid, turn away from, neglect, take no notice of, deviate, digress; omit, be disobedient. Buút siá maglípas sa ákon, kay mahádluk nga sókton ko siá sang ákon kwárta nga ginpahulám ko sa íya. He wants to avoid me, because he fears that I might demand payment of the amount he has borrowed from me. Sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon sa dálan naglípas siá. When he saw me on the road, he turned away from me. Ginlipásan níya siá gíkan sa kahuyâ. He avoided meeting him out of shame. Naglípas siá sa párì, kay naglápas siá sa pagsímba. He avoided meeting the priest, because he had neglected going to church,-had missed Mass. (see likáw, lígad, lubás, aklihís, lápas).

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