Search result(s) - búgno



To speak to, be on speaking terms with, converse with, have social relations with, make friends with, make it up. Walâ na gid silá magbugnohánay siníng duhá ka simána nga naglilígad. They have not spoken to each other for the last two weeks. Magbúgno ka sa íya or bugnohá siá. Speak to him. Converse with him. Humalín sang pagsúay níla sádtong isá ka ádlaw walâ gid silá magbugnohánay. Since their quarrel the other day they have not spoken to each other. Walâ na silá pagbugnohánay. They are not on speaking terms any more. (see támyaw, pakigpulóngpúlong, hámbal, abíábi).



(B) Affability, friendliness; sociability; to be or become affable; friendly, sociable. Nagáblaw siá karón. He has become affable or sociable now. Naablawán akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very friendly. Ipakilála ko sa ímo si Fuláno, kay sa waláy duhádúha paga-*ablawán ka gid sa íya. I will introduce N.N. to you, for without doubt you will find him very sociable, agreeable, affable. (see búgno, mabinugnóhon, kaáblaw, kaabláwan, mainabláwon, etc.).



Affable, friendly, conversing amicably. (búgno).



(B) To converse, chat, confabulate, confab, chin, talk familiarly as intimate friends. Walâ na silá paginodóyódoy. They are not on speaking terms any longer. (see panugíron, hambárò, sugilánon, pakigpulóngpúlong, búgno, limóg).



(B) To converse, chat, confabulate, confab, chin, talk familiarly as intimate friends. Walâ na silá paginodóyódoy. They are not on speaking terms any longer. (see panugíron, hambárò, sugilánon, pakigpulóngpúlong, búgno, limóg).



(Sp. saludar) To salute, greet. Saludahí siá. Salute him. (see támyaw, abíábi, búgno).



Salutation, address, greeting; to accost, address, greet, speak to, salute, make up to. Tamiawá siá. Accost him. Salute him. Walâ siá magtámiaw sa ákon. Walâ akó níya pagtamiawá. He did not (would not) speak to me. Walâ na silá pagtamiáway. They are not on speaking terms any more. Gintámiaw ko siá, ápang walâ siá magsabát. I addressed him, but he would not answer. I saluted him, but he did not return the salute. (see búgno, abíábi).



To gather-, collect-, remove-, take away-, withdraw-, live coals or firewood, so that a fire may not burn brightly. Bugnosá ang gatóng. Take the firewood off the fire. Bugnosí ang tiníg-ang. Withdraw the firewood from under the freshly cooked rice. Diín ka maghalín?-Sa digamohán, kay nagbúgnos akó sang tiníg-ang. Where do you come from?-From the kitchen, because I have taken the firewood from under the boiling rice.



To tear-, pull-, wrench-, drag-, out with some force. Bugnotá ang íya bohók. Pull out his hair. Bugnotí siá sing isá ka búknit nga bohók. Tear out a pinch of his hair. Ginbúgnot níla ang dílà sang báka nga iníhaw. They wrenched out the tongue of the slaughtered ox. Ibúgnot mo akó sináng haló sa búhò. Please, drag that iguana out of the hole for me. (see hábnus, húnus, gúnut, lúk-ad, lúkat, gábut, húlbot).



To draw-, pull-, drag-, pluck-, lug-, out with some force, to extract, wrench-, tear-, out. Bunlotá ang búlbul sang manók. Pluck the chicken. Ginbúnlot níya ang dílà sang báboy, ang gamót sang káhoy, etc. He tore out the pig's tongue, the tree-root, etc. (see búgnot, húnus, hábnus, gábut).



Affable, kind, amiable, courteous, humane, sociable. (see támyaw, mainabláwon, mabugnóhon).