Search result(s) - olihí



(H) Late, last, latest, behind, hind, hindmost, back, after. Ang mga nagúna manginolíhi kag ang mga olíhi manginúna. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Humáy nga olíhi. Late rice. Rice that is planted or harvested later than other kinds of rice. Indì náton mahibaloán kon anó ang mahanabô sa olíhi. We cannot know what will happen in the future, later on, in the time to come. Sa olíhi nga mga ádlaw. In the latter days, in the future. (see hudyánan).



(H) To be late-, belated, tardy, overdue, come behind, follow, bring up the rear, be behindhand or backward, be below the standard. Walâ man siá magolihí sa ibán nga mga bumulúthò. He was not below the standard of other students. Nagolihí siá magabút. He came late, too late, after time, behind time.



(H) Late, last, latest, behind, hind, hindmost, back, after. Ang mga nagúna manginolíhi kag ang mga olíhi manginúna. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Humáy nga olíhi. Late rice. Rice that is planted or harvested later than other kinds of rice. Indì náton mahibaloán kon anó ang mahanabô sa olíhi. We cannot know what will happen in the future, later on, in the time to come. Sa olíhi nga mga ádlaw. In the latter days, in the future. (see hudyánan).



(H) To be late-, belated, tardy, overdue, come behind, follow, bring up the rear, be behindhand or backward, be below the standard. Walâ man siá magolihí sa ibán nga mga bumulúthò. He was not below the standard of other students. Nagolihí siá magabút. He came late, too late, after time, behind time.



(H) Knowledge, wisdom, learning; to be or become wise, learned, to know. Walâ siá sing álam. He has no learning, has had no education. Pisáni ang pagtoón mo, agúd magálam ka. Study with application, that you may become learned or well educated. Sádto ánay walâ siá sing tinón-an, ápang karón nagálam na gid siá. Formerly he had no schooling, but now he is quite learned. Indì kamó manúgid sa íya sinâ, kay maaláman man níya sa olíhi. Don't tell him that now, for he will get to know it later on all the same. Paalámi siá. Tell him or warn him beforehand. Anó ang ímo naaláman? What do you know? What have you learned? Ginpaaláman níya kamí nga dáan nga maabút ang manugusísà sa amó nga ádlaw. We were warned by him long before, that the inspector would come on such a day. Ipaálam sa íya nga nagubâ ang táytay. Send him word that the bridge is broken down. (see kaálam, maálam, kinaálam, kinaádman, máan).



(Sp. atrasar) To be-, do-, late, to postpone, put off. Nagatrasár siá sing duhá ka táknà (óras) sang íya pagpaúlì sa baláy. He went home two hours too late. Atrasahá sing diótay ang óras mo. Postpone a little the time you appointed. Indì mo siá pagpaatrasahón. Don't cause him to be late. Don't retard him. (see atrasádo, kulihót, olíhi, olihí).



Known, public, notorious, spread, rumoured (said of news, etc.); to get known, become public, etc. Nabalahúbà inâ sa bánwa. That became known in town, they got wind of it-or-it was rumoured in town. Indì ka makatágo sinâ, kóndì mabalahúbà gid sa olíhi. You cannot hide that, for finally it will get known-or-the news of it will spread.



The end, last things, latter happenings, final outcome. (olíhi; see katapúsan).



(H) Tardiness, lateness. (olíhi; see kaatrasádo, kahudyánan).



Ruin, bankruptcy, impoverishment; to ruin, impoverish, bankrupt, beggar; to be impoverished, ruined, bankrupt, beggared, reduced to indigence or misery, to become poor or miserable. Namúsmus (nagkamúsmus) siá. He was ruined. He became poor (miserable). Ginmúsmus siá sang Mahál nga Diós. God made him poor. God sent him poverty (as a trial or punishment). Kon índì mo pagduláon ang ímo mga batásan nga buhahâ mamúsmus ka gid sa olíhi. Unless you give up your extravagant habits you will finally-be reduced to indigence,-be brought low,-be ruined or bankrupt. (see ímol, púto, dungúl, lisúd).



To make brave, encourage, embolden, animate, inspirit, cheer, hearten, rally, put upon one's mettle, inspire valour, excite to bravery or exertions of strength. Paisúga siá. Urge (Cheer) him on. Encourage him. Ginpaísug sang íla mga punoán ang mga mangangawáy sa pagtámpad sing matútum sa íla mga kaáway. The soldiers were stimulated by their officers to meet the enemy unflinchingly. Ipaísug sa íla ang mga dulumdúmon nga binúhat sang íla katigulángan. Inspire them with bravery by telling them of the memorable deeds of their ancestors. Ang maláin nga pagbílang sa íya sang íya agálon kag ang tanán nga binatás níya nagpaísug sa íya sa olíhi sa pagpalágyo sing tágò. The bad treatment he received from his master and all he had suffered nerved him at last to run away in secret. (pa, ísug).



Pride, haughtiness, overbearing, insolence; to be proud, haughty, insolent, lofty, arrogant, to take on airs, give oneself airs, be high and mighty, behave oneself in a haughty manner, be supercilious. Indì ka magpalabílábi. Don't be proud. Don't think too much of yourself. Nagpalabílábi siá sa ákon. Ginpalabílabíhan níya akó. He was supercilious to me. He was patronizing me,-condescending to me. He treated me as an inferior. Ang íya pagpadayáw kag pagpalabílábi nakadáldal sa íya sa olíhi sa madámù nga kalakasán nga makahuhúyà. Her vanity and pride led her finally to many shameful excesses. (see labí).



To find fault with, criticize, hold-, nurse-, entertain-, a grudge, harbour a resentment or ill-will, be sullen or discontented, morose, inclined to quarrel; to complain, grumble, murmur; to vex, nettle, provoke, exasperate. Ginpasibútsibút níya sa olíhi si Fuláno sa pagsilíng nga may dalá nga pagpamuyáyaw:--. He finally exasperated N.N. by using insulting language saying:--. Nagapasibútsibút siá, kay may katuyoán siá sa paghalín sa íya agálon. He shows discontent, because he wishes to leave the service of his master. Nagpasibútsibút siá, kay walâ siá pagbahíni sing ángay sang palanublíon sang íya ginikánan. He was nursing a grudge, for he was not given a fair share of the inheritance left by his parent. (see síb-ut, pasingít, pasalóksalók, pasisíng-al, pasosóng-ol).



(B) In time to come, in the future, later, after some time. Subón patindogón ko ang sángka baláy nga bág-o. (Sa olíhi patindogón ko ang isá ka baláy nga bág-o). After some time I shall have a new house built. Sa tulád kadyá índì pa, pay subón hóod mapamanílà akó. (Sa karón índì pa, ápang sa olíhi húo mapamanílà akó). Not just at present, but later on, yes, I shall go to Manila. Subón (Sa olíhi, kunína) báklan ta ikáw ti kálò nga madálig (sing matahúm nga kálò). Later on I shall buy you a beautiful hat. (see olíhi, kunína, palaabúton, ogáling).

ulíhi, ulihí


See olíhi, olihí-late; to be late, etc.

ulíhi, ulihí


See olíhi, olihí-late; to be late, etc.



(H) See kaolihánan.

kolíhio, kolíhyo


(Sp. colegio) College. (see buluthóan).



Lateness, tardiness; too late. Kaatrasádo sa ímo! How late you are! (see atrasádo, kaolíhi, kahudyánan).



A kind of squirrel. Ang kiwíg amó ang isá ka sápat nga malábà sing pangolíhi kag malíp-ot sing pangúnhan. The "kiwíg" is an animal with long hind-legs and short fore-legs.