Search result(s) - púlaw



Unmixed, pure, unadulterated, unalloyed. (see púraw, id.).



Sleeping little, able to go without sleep long or regularly (as some gamblers, etc.). Púlaw siá nga táo. He sleeps very little. (see mapúlaw).



To keep watch at night, stay up, keep awake, keep vigil, sit up, keep late hours. Pulawí ang masakít. Watch the sick person during the night. Magpuláw kamó túbtub kamí magabút. Keep awake till we arrive. Stay up for us. Ginpulawán gid sang íya mananábang ang amó nga kasábà. His lawyer sat up till late at night studying that case (lawsuit).



To remain awake, watch, keep vigil, stay up waiting for somebody, etc. Aligmatá akó túbtub nga magabút akó. Stay awake for me till I come. Magalígmat kamó. Keep vigil. Stay awake. (see puláw).



(B) To keep vigil, watch, keep or remain awake, to watch over or by. Nagamoláw silá sa masakít or ginamolawán níla ang masakít. They watched by the sick person during the night. Iamoláw akó ánay siníng masakít nga bátà. Please watch over this sick child for me. Ipaamoláw ko ikáw sa íya. I'll let you watch by him during the night (see puláw, alígmat).



Waking, watching, watchful, wakeful, keeping awake, awake, keeping watch or vigil, vigilant, assiduous, not sleepy or lazy. (see puláw, mapuláwon).



Eye, orb, sight, vision; hole (of a needle), loop (for a hook), etc.; eyelet; bud or shoot (of potatoes, cuttings of sugar cane, etc.); mesh (of a net); to awake, open the eyes; to keep vigil, remain awake. Nagmatá na siá? Is he already awake? Magmatá na ikáw. Wake up. Open your eyes. Rise (up). Ginpamatá akó níla. They woke me up. Pamatahá (památha) siá. Wake him. Namatahán (namáthan) ko ang amó nga gamú. That noise woke me. I was roused from sleep by that noise. Nagamatá gid siá magtoón, bisán kon gáb-i na. He keeps himself awake for study till late at night. He studies till late at night. (see búgtaw, puláw).



Pure, unmixed, etc. See púlaw, púro, pulús, lúnlun, pasáy, lúnsay, lúgus, lubús.



(Sp. puro) Pure, unmixed, unadulterated. (see púlaw, púraw, pulús, lúnsay, lúgus).



See mapúlaw. Also: Wanting little sleep, staying up long, keeping late hours, sleepless.



A wake. (see belasyón).



(Sp. velación) Vigil, wake, prayers and entertainments at night after a person's death, often lasting for many successive nights, regularly nine nights. Also: The nuptial Mass and ceremony of veiling the bride and bridegroom. (see puláwan, bélo).



Pertaining to a wake, fit or proper for a wake. Pulús gid lang binilasyón ang ímo kalantáhon. All your songs are only fit for a wake. (see belasyón, puláwan).



To make-sleepy,-drowsy, to overcome by sleep. Nagpuláw siá kagáb-i, búsà binúraw siá nga ádlaw na magmatá. He was up all last night; therefore he was overcome by drowsiness, and rose very late.



To follow suit, be able to perform or bear as well as another. Makaúngud ka sa pagpuláw sing isá ka simána tungúd sa nagamasakít? Can you bear the fatigue of watching the sick person during the night for a week? Kubús nga binúlan ang íya ginabáton karón, kay ang bág-o níya nga agálon índì makaúngud sa pagsóhol sa íya sing mahál súbung sang ginhímò sang úna níya nga agálon. At present he receives a low monthly wage, for his new master cannot afford to pay him as much as his former employer. (see batás, sunúd).



To follow suit, be able to perform or bear as well as another. Makaúngud ka sa pagpuláw sing isá ka simána tungúd sa nagamasakít? Can you bear the fatigue of watching the sick person during the night for a week? Kubús nga binúlan ang íya ginabáton karón, kay ang bág-o níya nga agálon índì makaúngud sa pagsóhol sa íya sing mahál súbung sang ginhímò sang úna níya nga agálon. At present he receives a low monthly wage, for his new master cannot afford to pay him as much as his former employer. (see batás, sunúd).