Search result(s) - paasó



To fumigate, fume, cause smoke, smoke, out, treat with smoke, raise a smoke. Paasohá (Paáswa) ang kaláyo. Let the fire smoke. Cause the fire to smoke. Paasohí (Paáswi) iníng hulút. Fumigate this room. Treat this room with smoke. Ipaasó iníng mga dáhon sa kaláyo. Put these leaves on the fire to raise a smoke. (see asó).



To smoke out (bees, etc.); to set fire to cogon-grass, burn out a jungle (kaingín) or the like. (see paasó, sílab, súnug, tútud).



Smoke, fume, reek; to smoke, emit smoke, to fume, reek; to fumigate, smoke out. Pasálpa ang pabílo, kay nagaasó. Turn the wick down, for it is smoking. Dílì mo pagpasablabón ang kaláyo, kóndi paasohá lang. Don't cause the fire to flare up, but let it simply smoulder. Paasohí (paáswi) ang baláy. Fumigate the house. Fill the house with smoke.



To make sterile, sterilize, especially applied to sows; to become sterile. Nagásog ang ámon nayón. Our sow became sterile. Paasóga ang nayón mo. Sterilize your sow (by fattening, etc.). Paasógan ko gid iníng tángkal sang ákon nayón. I will sure enough sterilize my sow (by fattening) in this pigsty.