Evacuation, stool; to evacuate the bowels, to go to stool, go to-the places,-the W.C. Maíwat nga pamús-on. Difficulties of evacuation. (see pús-on).
The belly, stomach, abdomen. Paníg-a sang pús-on. A hard stool, constipation, costiveness. (see pamús-on-to evacuate the bowels).
To press against, squeeze, crush. Ginnônô níya si Fuláno sa díngding. He crushed N.N. against the wall. Inônô ang bábà sang kuríng sa íya tái, agúd madúdlà magpamús-on dirí. Rub the cat's nose in her dirt, that she may be afraid to make a mess here again. Nònoí ang lamésa sang lapát kag hínsan mo sing maáyo. Press the cloth against the table and rub well. (see oró-od, núsnus, núlnul).