Search result(s) - pamalándong



Freq. of palándong. Meditation, consideration, contemplation, reflection, thought; to meditate, contemplate, consider well, think well on, give (a matter) thought, ponder, muse over, reflect upon. Pamalandongá inâ sing maáyo. Ponder that well. Consider that matter carefully. (see painóíno, hunâhúnà, dúmdum, tamúd, basóbáso, libólíbo).



Palibó-líbo is usually employed in the meaning of: to ponder-, think over-, consider-, well, to reflect upon, muse. Pinalibólíbo níla inâ sing masúnsun, agúd dílì mapas-awán ang íla ginahándum nga katuyoán. They frequently thought over (meditated, ruminated, reflected, mused, dwelt on) it, so that their cherished plan might not be frustrated. (see painóíno, pasinó, basóbáso, panghunâhúnà, pamalándong).



To show, exhibit, expose, etc. (pa, dágay). Also: To think deeply or well, consider, ponder, exert one's mental faculties. Padagáya ang ímo hunâhúnà. Think it over well. Turn it over well in your mind. Padagáyi sing maáyo ang ímo palatikángan. Give some serious thought to your business. Consider well the state of your business. (see painóíno, tamúd, pamalándong, basóbáso, hunâhúnà).



To deliberate, think over, ponder, consider, meditate upon, weigh, reflect, cogitate, reason out, ratiocinate; ratiocination, consideration, thought, mind. Painóinóha sing maáyo ang ímo mga buluhatón. Ponder well what you have to do. Amó inâ ang hunâhúnà nga nagalabáy sa ákon painóíno. That was the thought that crossed my mind, that came into my head. Painóinóhon ko pa inâ karón sa gáb-i kag buás ugáling sábton ko ikáw. I will think over that to-night and to-morrow I will let you have my answer. Ang íya painóíno walâ mahámtang sing nagakaígò. He is out of his mind. He is not quite normal, not quite right in his senses. (see panúmdum, pamalándong, basóbáso, panghunâhúnà).



Meditation, etc. See palandóngon, pamalándong.



Meditation, etc. See palandóngon, pamalándong.

Caus. of talupángud-to pay attention to, consider or ponder over well, etc. Patalupángda siá sing maáyo sang íya mga buluhatón. Let him weigh well what he has to do. Ipatalupángud sa íya iníng katarúngan. Present this argument or reason for his consideration. (see pamalándong).



To ponder well, think over, deliberate; to know, understand. Nagsayúp siá, kay walâ siá makasiási. He made a mistake, because he did not think things over well beforehand. (see painóíno, libólíbo, pamalándong, basóbáso, asíási, entiénde, sáyod, hunâhúnà, sayási, sayásat, siásat).



To ponder or consider well, meditate upon, concentrate (one's mind) upon, pay great attention to, reflect upon. Talupángdi sing maáyo ang ímo nga ginabása. Pay great attention to what you are reading. Concentrate your mind on what you are reading. (see pamalándong, painóíno, libólíbo).