Search result(s) - pitík



Rein, tether, lead, rope attached to a buffalo, ox, etc. for guiding or leading; to guide (a buffalo, etc.) by means of a rope. Maálam ka balá magpitík sang karabáw? Maálam ka balá magúyat sang pitík sang karabáw? Can you handle a buffalo (by means of a rope)? Do you know how to guide a buffalo with a rein (lead, rope, line)?



To palpitate, throb, beat, thump, hammer; to snap (one's finger); palpitation; a tap, slight blow. Ang íya tagiposóon nagpitík sing madásig. His heart beat fast. Nagapitík ang ólo ko. My head is hammering, i.e. I have a head-ache. Pítki (pitikí) or Pítka (pitiká) siá. Snap your finger at him. Tap (rap) him.



To palpitate, thump, pulsate, throb, hammer, race, beat quickly or violently; palpitation, etc. Nagahakúbhakúb ang íya tagiposóon sa kahádluk. Her heart throbs violently with fear. Kon kulbaán akó dáyon ang hakúbhakúb sang dúghan ko-or-dáyon nagahakúbhakúb ang dúghan ko. When I am scared my heart begins at once to palpitate. (see pitík, kubákubá).



Ulceration, suppuration, festering, infection, sepsis; to fester, suppurate, mortify, gangrene, gather pus or matter, rankle; to throb, pulsate, palpitate (of ulcers and boils). Nagamatitík ang íya hubág. His ulcer suppurates or gathers pus. Nagmatitík ang nánà sa sulúd sang pilás sa pagpangíta sing lútsan pa gwâ. The pus inside the wound began to throb seeking an outlet. (see pitík, patík).



The trigger of a rifle, revolver, or the like. (see pitík).

To be love-sick or heart-sick, particularly applied to lovers that are separated and long to see each other, or the like. (see pitík, míngaw).



Dim. and Freq. of pitík. Also: Wrigglers, the larva of a mosquito, etc., so-called, because it wriggles in water.

pítkan, pítkon


From pitík-to throb, etc.



The slip-knot by which a rope is fastened to a buffalo's nose-ring (tohóg) including a short length of rope (pitík, lawíg); handle, haft, helve; power, authority, management, direction, lead, influence, pull. (see uluyatán, kaláptan).

Dim. and Freq. of híbok. May mga pitíkpítik nga nagahibókhibók sa siníng túbig. There are wriggling mosquito larvae in this water. Also: to pulsate, throb, palpitate, (see hulághúlag, bayóbáyo, kibô-kíbò).