Search result(s) - sáw-a



To be or become disgusting, loathsome, cause a dislike, aversion or antipathy, be improper or unbecoming, especially applied to things exposed that should be covered or hidden from view. Nasaw-ahán akó sa íya. I have taken a dislike (an antipathy) to him. Magapasáw-a (mapasáw-a) sa táo ang pagílis mo sa nabúksan nga bintánà. It will be improper (It will look bad), if you change your clothes with open windows. Ginasaw-ahán siá sa pakigsímpon sa amó nga katipúnan, kay básì nabalahúbà na ang maláut níya nga binúhat. He was ashamed (He did not like) to join that party, for (as he thought) his wicked deed may have become known already. Nagkasáw-a (nasáw-a) siá sinâ. He dislikes that. He considers it improper or unbecoming. (see láw-ay, kasáw-a, masáw-a).



Drizzle, mizzle, light rain. (see dabódabó, talíthi, apókapók).



Disgust, aversion, loathing, antipathy. (see sáw-a).



Impropriety, indecency, unbecoming conduct, unsuitability. (see sáw-a).



Disgusting, loathsome, antipathetic, improper, unbecoming, exciting aversion or dislike. (see sáw-a).



To serve, especially applied to prospective husbands serving for their betrothed. Nagapangágad na siá dídto. He is serving there for his betrothed. May batásan silá nga ang mga laláki mangágad or magpangágad sa baláy sang íla pangasáw-on (nga íla pangasáw-an). They have the custom that the men should serve in the house of their intended wives (of their future parents-in-law). The Freq. pangágad is mostly used; ágad without the prefix pang occurs in umágad-son-in-law.



To deteriorate, worsen, degenerate, fall off, to be or become bad, improper, fall below the standard; make a bad impression upon, make shy or afraid. Nagsál-ag ang íya batásan. His conduct has altered for the worse. Amó gánì ang nagpasál-ag sa íya. That made him shy or nervous. Indì ka magkasál-ag. Don't be afraid. Sa íla pagsal-agáy naúmid man ang íla mga ginsákpan. In their bad (strained) relations their dependants were involved also. (see sáw-a, láin).