Search result(s) - talíthi



(H) Small-, fine-, light-rain, mizzle, drizzle; to mizzle, drizzle, rain in small (fine, light) drops. Nagulán kaína, húo, ápang talíthi gid lámang. It rained a while ago, yes, but only a few drops. Nagatalíthi. It's drizzling. Ginahilántan siá karón, kay natalithihán siá kahápon kag napásmo. He has a catarrh now, because yesterday he was exposed to a slight rain and caught a cold. (see taríthi, dabódabó, apókapók).



Light, small rain, drizzle, dribble, mizzle, scotch mist; to rain very lightly in small fine drops, to drizzle, dribble, mizzle. May apók-apók or nagaapók-apók. It is raining very lightly. (see talíthi, taríthi, dabódabó).



Drizzle, mizzle, light rain. (see dabódabó, talíthi, apókapók).

(H) Mizzle, drizzle, light rain; mizzly, drizzly; to drizzle, fall in small drops. Nagadabódábo or may dabódábo. It drizzles. There is a light rain. Ulán nga dabódabó. Drizzly rain, mizzle. (see talíthi, taríthi, apókapók).



Freq. of talíthi-mizzle, drizzle, etc.



(B) Light rain. See talíthi.



To wet, moisten, dampen, bedew, make moist or damp; to rain a little, rain just sufficient to make the soil a little wet or damp. Nagatulutulám-os gid lámang ang ulán. Very little rain is falling. Básì matulám-os ka sang (sa) ulán. You may get wet in the rain. Nagtulám-os ang íya mga matá. Her eyes were wet. She shed tears. (see lám-os, turám-os, talíthi, apókapók, dabódabó, paniríngan).



(H) Rain, shower of rain, downpour; to rain. May ulán. There is (was) rain. Nagaulán. It is raining. Nagulán kahápon sing madámol. Yesterday it rained heavily. Naulanán kamí sa dálan. We had rain on the road. Dalágan kamó, kay kon dílì maulanán kamó. Run or-the rain will overtake you,-you will be caught in the rain. Ang Diós nagapasubáng sang íya ádlaw sa mga maáyo kag sa mga maláut kag nagapaulán sa mga matárung kag sa mga dîmatárung. God "maketh his sun to rise upon the good and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust". Maulían gid man iníng mga tanúm sa madalî kon maulanán lang. These plants will recover (pick up) soon-after a shower of rain,-if they have (receive) some rain. Daw sa maulán (magaulán). It looks as if it were coming on to rain. (urán id.; see talíthi, apókapók, tampú-támpu, dúngdung, búnok, etc.).



(H) Rain, shower of rain, downpour; to rain. May ulán. There is (was) rain. Nagaulán. It is raining. Nagulán kahápon sing madámol. Yesterday it rained heavily. Naulanán kamí sa dálan. We had rain on the road. Dalágan kamó, kay kon dílì maulanán kamó. Run or-the rain will overtake you,-you will be caught in the rain. Ang Diós nagapasubáng sang íya ádlaw sa mga maáyo kag sa mga maláut kag nagapaulán sa mga matárung kag sa mga dîmatárung. God "maketh his sun to rise upon the good and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust". Maulían gid man iníng mga tanúm sa madalî kon maulanán lang. These plants will recover (pick up) soon-after a shower of rain,-if they have (receive) some rain. Daw sa maulán (magaulán). It looks as if it were coming on to rain. (urán id.; see talíthi, apókapók, tampú-támpu, dúngdung, búnok, etc.).



A kind of skin-disease resembling prickly heat. Also used as verb. Pinúgo siá kahápon, kay nagsakáy sa karabáw kag natalithihán. Yesterday he contracted the skin-disease "púgo" on account of riding on a buffalo when a light rain was falling.